Sep 10, 2003 11:24
Note on above music selection: Julia really needs to put some new cds in her car...
I'm meeting the girls for lunch in about an hour, and hoped the in my “I have no classes until 1” bliss I could actually get some reading done. But then I thought, “Wow, I haven’t updated my live journal in a really, really long time.” And then I thought about all my loyal fans, just twiddling their thumbs and rocking back and forth with anxiety, desperately wondering where the hell I’ve been.
Well folks, I’ll tell you. I’ve been here at Wesleyan, basking in the glory that is freedom from parental rule. The irony is, I actually cleaned my entire dorm room two nights ago, fully unprompted or un-nagged. Upon recollection of the squalor that is my bedroom at home, I’d have to say: this was a first.
My classes are going pretty well. My Harmony and Tonal Counterpoint professor is a young, tiny British woman with a ponytail. Oh yeah. She’s going to kill me….
I am all obsessed with my Social Psychology course. It’s a little sad, really. I’m giddy upon arrival, and giddy while reading. I don’t even try to cut corners while navigating the too-long chapters! Sigh….everything they taught me in high school has proved useless.
Having Julia and Olga on my hall is wonderful, even when they do play mean practical jokes on me that I will not even begin to elaborate on for all the live journal world to see. I will pose this, however: If anyone can think of a really, really good (read: thoroughly embarrassing) way to get back at Julia or David, please let me know. In detail.
Today I am going to a training session on how to be a tour guide. I whole heartedly believe that “Sara from New York” is the perfect person to exemplify diversity at Wes. Plus, I get to learn how to walk backwards for an extended period of time - arguably, a highly useful skill.
Well then, I hope you all appreciated my brief, but telling account of my last week and a half at Wesleyan. Back to work!