What if I need you when I can't see you? Epilogue

Mar 19, 2012 23:24

Title: What if I need you when I can't see you?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam Winchester/Jimmy Novak. Mentions of Dean and Castiel.
Warnings: Rough sex, dirty talk, slightly AU-ish.
Word Count: 14,060
Summary: Jimmy Novak strikes a deal with Castiel. If he gets to take the wheel long enough to enjoy sex again, then he'll give Castiel permission to use his body to lie with Dean. However, it is Jimmy's choice in bed partners that surprises everyone.
Authors Note: Cut up into three parts because of the length. Written for fun, this started off as PWP based off of a role play my sister and I started. However, I quickly realized that this story had plans of it's own and wanted to make something of itself...it became a monster. A lovely, horny, very detailed, monster. Title taken from a verse in Meg & Dia's 'Nineteen Stars'.

* * *
Sam woke up to the glare of the morning sun bouncing off the outside of his eyelids. He grumbled something to himself, tried to roll over and escape the sun’s radiance, and immediately found that he was already half-awake. What had woken him? He wondered vaguely if perhaps Dean had been knocking at his door, but dismissed the thought quickly. His brother would have never quit pounding at the door if that was the case; he would have probably even found a way into Sam’s room if he thought something was wrong and woken him himself.

And then suddenly Sam was aware of a soft whispering behind his back, not too far away. He tensed, his mind instantly thinking attack at the strange sound, but he restrained himself. He settled for opening his eyes against the brightness in the room and searching for the source of the oddly out-of-place sounds.

It didn’t surprise Sam to see that Jimmy was long gone; the spot of the bed he had been occupying was cold, and the covers had been flipped up as if someone had tossed them aside in their escape. Sam felt a pang of something at the discovery, but he didn’t dwell on it too long. He had company, and his instincts were screaming at him.

Without a word, Sam rolled back over, wincing against the sunlight that slapped him in the face as it shone through the window. He squinted, trying to focus his eyes, and instantly honed in on a blurred shape sitting adjacent from him at the motel room’s desk. It was hunched, leaning over the desk with its upper body and with its feet curled beneath the chair it sat upon. It was murmuring into a telephone, Sam was surprised to realize. The second realization that struck him, Sam didn’t know whether to believe it or not.

“Sure, sweetheart. Yeah, absolutely, I would love to go and see you. I’m going to try real hard to make it, all right?” Jimmy chuckled a little and then quickly quieted himself. “All right, Claire. It’s still early, so go on back to sleep. I’m sorry I woke you so early on a Saturday. Yeah. Okay, I’ll talk to you later. I love you too, baby.” There was a click as Jimmy hung up the motel room’s phone, and Sam didn’t wait any longer. He pushed himself into a full sitting position and cleared his throat to make himself known.

Jimmy started and turned in his seat. He was dressed from the waist down only, and even then his pants weren’t buttoned or zipped. He had bed hair and crusty eyes as if he had just woken up, himself. When Jimmy saw that Sam was awake, he broke out into a smile and lifted a hand in greeting. “Morning.” He called.

“Morning.” Sam echoed. “What are you still doing here?” Sam didn’t mean for it to come out as if Jimmy’s presence was unwanted but Jimmy just shrugged, apparently unaffected.

“I don’t know. Cas didn’t really explain. He just woke me and told me to call Claire. He also told me to enjoy my morning--apparently I’m getting a free pass today.” Jimmy smiled a little. “I was hoping not to wake you up so early, though.”

Sam just stared. He fumbled for a bit and rolled out of bed, gripping the blanket tightly around his hips as he did so. He did an awkward shuffle forward, careful not to trip over the covers. “It, uh, it’s okay. It’s not that early.” Actually, he realized, it was probably about six-thirty in the morning. Well, still not as bad as it could have been. “So what, Cas just decided to give you an extra day?” Sam stopped besides Jimmy’s chair and gripped the back of it for support. “Why?”

“I’m not sure…” Jimmy shrugged again and tilted his head back to stare up at Sam. His eyes were really pretty, Sam realized, especially when the sunlight hit them the way it was just then. He reached out suddenly and in an instant Jimmy was leaning into Sam’s palm as Sam cupped the side of his face. Jimmy smiled. “But I’m not complaining.”

Sam couldn’t help but to follow suit with a smirk of his own. “Yeah. Neither am I.” Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss atop Jimmy’s hair. “Tell Castiel thanks.”

Jimmy chuckled. “He heard you. He says not to waste time talking to him when it’s me you ought to be spending your hours with.” Jimmy stretched his legs under the desk for a moment and then slid out from the chair, moving to stand in front of Sam. He touched Sam’s sides with two very cautious, shaky hands--as if he had somehow reverted to being that shy, curious, man that Sam had gotten rid of the previous night. “He says this is the least he can do for me, or for you. We should take him up on his generosity and enjoy one another while we can.”

Sam’s heart fluttered a little against his ribcage. He moved to wrap his arms around Jimmy’s shoulders and pulled him into his chest. Jimmy was warm and real against him, and Sam was pleased when he discovered that he was being embraced in return. Even if it was just for one more day, Sam was grateful. Jimmy was a good man, a great friend, and a fantastic lover. Sam would treasure any time he was granted to be in Jimmy’s presence.

“Yeah.” Sam said, and smiled as he pulled away just enough to watch Jimmy’s expressive eyes. “We should definitely take him up on that.”

They pulled away from one another in order to shower and shave, but didn’t drift too far away from each other after that.



sam/jimmy, sam winchester, supernatural, jimmy novak

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