(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 20:25

Sorry for the long time since updating.

I moved on June 24th. Chris was supposed to move on the 28th. Then on the 29th. Movers never showed. New moving company got him moved on the 1st of July. Parents came over on Saturday the 2nd. Multiple sets. Chris' and my mother, step-father, and Tina. All of them. All day.

Sunday the 3rd, Brian and Lynn picked us up in the afternoon to go to a party at Wes' in Babylon. We crashed there that night, then got home again around 11am. Left for NYC that afternoon to spend the 4th at Stephen's. The televised Macy's fireworks sucked. Crashed there that night.

Got up on the 5th and got dressed for my first day of work. 3 hours of orientation at the main office, then down to the field office to get acquainted there. Still need to figure out my benefits package.

My boss is a task master. She is like a female version of Prof. Cataldo. Speech pattern, mannerisms, thought processes. It's eerie. They could be siblings.

Anyway, my new wake up time is 4:30am to catch the 5:30am train to Newark.

And, no computer at work, so only able to get email and lj at home...

Sleepy now...

nyc, chris, work, bridge, moving, family, lorraine, friends

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