Mmmmm... Cheesecake...

May 15, 2005 10:18

And most of the time, I don't even like cheesecake...

Katie, of my-lab-partner fame, and her fiance Mo had a dinner party last night. Like, a real, quasi-grown-up dinner party. Fourteen guests plus Katie's brother, who stayed for food and then left early. The guests were engouraged to bring wine and/or dessert. Chris and I went for the "and." So, a bottle of Chardonnay, and a bottle of merlot, and a cheesecake.

But not just any cheesecake. It was my first attempt at baking a cheesecake. I'd never actually done it before. I think I had always assigned cheesecake to a "dad cooks this" category, so I'd never actually done one because cheesecake was "dad's thing to do"... Anyway, I produced (with the help of America's Test Kitchen and dad) a lime cheesecake with raspberries. That would be: a lime-flavored cheesecake, topped with lime curd, topped with raspberries and a raspberry puree. It was a big hit. People had to be told I made it. Apparently it came out very professional-looking. That probably has to with the individually-placed raspberries covering the top of the cake (I know, it's a sickness). And I took the sides off of the spring-form pan and the raspberry puree started dribbling down the sides of the cake in a very attractive fashion... It was really good. Unfortunately, I had to leave the left-overs (and the pan!) there because it was a very messy proposition to take them home. There wasn't much left, but it was just easier. I'm getting the pan back sometime this week. I am so pleased with how it came out. :) Chris is probably tired of hearing me saying that, but I was convinced I was going to do something that would mess it up.

'K. Laundry now...

chores, chris, friends, food

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