let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see

Jul 14, 2013 00:14

My Ten Commandments

1. If someone doesn't message you back even after 'seeing' the message (thank you for that innovative and relationship-destroying feature, Facebook and Whatsapp) that doesn't mean they don't care about you. Remember all the times you've been busy or distracted.

2. Being there for people exactly when they need you is very important. Also, it's important to be by their side through everyday worries and trifling concerns, not just the big things. Don't wait for your friend's dog to be run over to pick up the phone. Help her order the cake for her birthday party as well.

3. Never put down somebody as a joke. I once heard my friend making a joking remark along the lines of 'X is the kind of girl who'd make her password 'password'.' In my opinion, casual character judgements like this should be avoided. Even if made lightly, they could make the victim feel bad. Or be completely inaccurate (X is one of the most creative and original girls I know).

4. Pay attention to what someone says they like. If anyone comes to you with shining eyes saying, 'I am in love with this song. It's been my favorite ever since I was a kid,' put in your earphones and listen to the lyrics. Chances are you might just get some valuable insight into the person.

5. Be honest. Don't just tell a friend what she or he wants to hear. Be supportive and vocalise the good you see in them, but don't shy away from constructive criticism IF they ask for it (If).

6. Your true friends are those with whom you don't hold back from being yourself. The ones you can laugh the loudest with without worrying about how you sound like a horse.

7. Keeping in touch is hard, and sometimes leads to conversational dead ends ('Hi, how are you?' 'Good, you?' 'Good!' 'Cool. See you later!') BUT there will be the handful that is worth retaining contact with, and make an effort to make that contact meaningful.

8. Some people will want you to give and give, while not contributing to the friendship themselves. They will primarily want to talk about themselves 24*7 - as well as expect you to tell them what soothes their ego. When they say they love you, they will mean they love what you give them. Hang out with these people if you find them fun. But remember they're not your true friends.

9. Know that people have different capacities for friendship. There'll be the friend you can call up at 4 a.m., versus the friend who hates emotional conversations. Don't expect more than someone can give. Don't mix up which friend has which capacity.

10. You can make a best friend in any school, any city, any country. Nothing is absolute except change.

10 commandments, friendship

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