Feb 05, 2005 22:39
Over the summer, I felt very strongly that I would move back home to Savannah. I made some contacts for jobs and told several of my old friends that I'd be back... actually by about this time. I even applied to be a substitute teacher at the high school i graduated from, because I knew i wouldn't need to make as much money as a full-time job offered, and i'd have time to spend on the beach at at the historical society and at the library and getting lost downtown... for writing... and then eventually publish some great best-selling novel or collection of short stories.
Obviously, that move was not meant to happen. And I feel strongly now that it's not supposed to happen, at least not for some time. What I was feeling in the summer--and even moreso now--is the need for CHANGE. And a change as dynamic as picking up and moving and starting over. Truth be told, if i weren't tied to a mortgage, i'd move. but not to savannah. i'd go somewhere totally crazy like phoenix or charlotte or san diego. i'd just go. get the hell away. change. be free. fly.
that's what i need. not to move; to have the freedom to move.
people keep saying that while i'm single, this is the time to really live life, to do the things i may not be able to once i'm married and popping out babies. Single, 29-year-old women do not spend more than two years in a low-paying administrative assistant position with no room for advancement... at least not into anything i want. (i used to want to advance to software support, but now there's no way i'd want to do that... i think that's the only reason i've been there for this long.)
i talked to mom earlier. she knew, thanks to the weird esp thing that the women in my family share, that i've been down. so i told her all this stuff (more or less), which is why it's on my mind now. she hasn't been well either. she seems to have vertigo. she's been severely dizzy, and has been getting bad headaches because of it. She's also been really nauseated. Her doctor did not have an opening on Friday, but he called in a prescription for a medication to treat vertigo. All it's done is get rid of the nausea; but that's helpful. She went to the chiropractor, and got immediate relief; then an hour later, it was back to the same exact thing. So i'm worried about her. chronic dizziness leading to headaches and nausea is just not a happy thing.
i found some interesting oportunities on craigslist.org today. i sent my resume to a couple. so we'll see what happens with that.
i've been smoking like a damn chimney lately. it all started in december. holiday depression will do it every time. oh well. gotta have one vice.