May 15, 2010 19:35
I can honestly say that I don't really remember why I began using LJ....which means, I just took a five minute break to try to remember how to find my previous journal entries. It turns out that I started my journal on a whim of boredom at the beginning of my senior year at Susquehanna. If only THAT didn't seem like a long time ago.
Sorry...while you wouldn't know it from reading this entry, I just got distracted for approximately 20 minutes reading journal entries from the first month ever of my LJ experience. I've been thinking lately about how unwitty my journal entries are and/or have been. Reading back through my old entries, I found that I was QUITE witty at one time. In fact, I blogged just about every day. It's funny how I had so much to say when I blogged so often, and now, when I hardly write at all, I can't muster up much to share.
My life has gotten boring.
Then again, I really don't think I long for the days of SU drama. No, not the drama. Just the good stuff. I think I may have to read through more later tonight ater I stop proctrastinating here and finish cleaning the kitchen. Which brings me to one of the purposes of my writing today.
Now, I realize that most people don't find cleaning to be enjoyable. But I am someone who truly cannot stand it. I despise cleaning with every fiber of my being...YET, I do not like when things are messy. This is a terrible way to feel. It is much easier, of course, to give in to the lazy part, but I always reach a point where I really can't stand it any more. Then I clean. I think the reason I hate it so much is because it does not take long for things to get messy or dirty again. For example, today's chore was to clean the kitchen. I started by putting all of the dishes (there actually weren't many) in the sink so I could clean the counter on either side of the sink. After that was done, I did the dishes. I decided to wait to clean the rest because I didn't feel like cleaning everything then making dinner and having to clean again. BUT do not forget that I said I did the dishes. Clearly, to make dinner, one needs to dirty dishes. So it all begins again. (NOTE: I need a dishwasher.) What IS left to do is clean off the other counter and the stove top, sweep, and mop the floor.
Obviously, I'm not getting any of that done here on the loveseat. I'm going to force myself to get up, mostly because I want to get it out of the way so I can come back here and reminisce with myself through my old entries.
But before I go...I did title this post "The Art of Blogging." My point was that I feel like blogging is an art form these days, and I need to be a better writer to do it. Then again, I amuse me. Maybe that's enough!