Jul 04, 2005 11:07
Wow, what a very interesting week...
Health really is not fun... the only people who get me through it are Eleanor Gray and Aaron... but that's it... but fortunately we're getting another teacher ... so hopefully no more two quizzes a day!
Thursday I went to see Bewitched with Ian and Tess and that was a lot of fun... a very cute movie... and we realized how similar my dad and Ian's senses of humor are.
On Friday, my parents got us DDR! And I've been playing that non-stop. It's a blast
Saturday, I mostly hung out with my family, played DDR, and then the Brigham's came over for dinner! It was a lot of fun... I taught Mrs. Brigham how to play DDR and she told Rick that's what she wanted for Christmas. And then I also found out that I'm going to Illinois on Saturday, and I'm super excited! I get to see all of my cousins!
Then yesterday was my Mom's birthday, and it was great except that it started out interesting.
Every month, there is a Youth Mass at my church... I'm in the youth band, and we play contemporary praise music. Well, we were practicing and an old man came up and started screaming at us... telling that we were too loud, tone deaf, and we sounded awful. Frankly, it really hurt my feelings at the time... but now I kinda just look back at it and laugh. Cuz then he stormed out of the church and started yelling "Those kids are too f---ing loud" Yes.. he said the f word at church! But, fortunately, everyone was on our side and totally defended us and the priest made an announcement about how thankful he was to have us. So that was nice... and plus I got to make an announcement at church that it was my Mama's birthday.... and that really meant a lot to her!
Then we went out to breakfast at Pupusa Crazy and guess who was there? The Brighams! So we had breakfast with them! haha it was amazing... then we came home and celebrated with my Mama... and we got her a new laptop and she LOVES it... it's great... I'm glad she likes it... she deserves everything because she's absolutely amazing.
Then last night we watched the Wizard of Oz... and that was so fun. I love that movie... I still get scared that Dorothy won't make it out in time before the hour glass runs out... it's crazy...
Then this morning Chris left :( but he gets to watch fireworks by the CAPITAL... so I'm not feeling too bad because its so wonderful that he gets to see that... but I'm still gonna miss him like crazy. Then I played DDR... and now I'm just chilling... I'll probably do that the entire day!
I'll talk to you all later!
X's and O's