it sucks to be brian, and kate! to not have a job, to not have a date!

Nov 08, 2009 01:16

i think not having room to take any non-science courses directly correlates with my being completely lame and never posting anything.

this will likely happen again, even though sometimes i pretend i'm busy when really i'm just sitting around at home and watch mafia drama versions of super smash brothers .

it's been an interesting three weeks. it spanned my mother's, then my father's birthdays, during which they both got swine flu, in that order. they probably got it from my sister, who had it first. just before that, both computers in my sister's and my room coincidentally had also caught viruses. since some (somewhat pretentious) goofball at recently wrote an entire rant about how "ironic" is often a misused word, i will refrain from saying that this was ironic and just call it plain steaming shit-bad luck.

so of course everything got wiped, but thankfully most of my documents were resurrected onto a terabyte hard drive (they make those for under 100 dollars nowadays? this is news to me). the move back is a daunting task i have yet to complete. just imagine one terabyte for a second. it's basically the capacity of one thousand iPod nanos. interestingly, when i turn on the hard drive apparently the sheer mass of circuitry it brings to the table is too much for my computer and my wireless adapter instantly ceases to function. i think it also probably sizzled out my monitor USB hub. fun stuff. this thing's like a freaking black hole.

a black hole named Lacie, i guess.

i always say my life will suck less next semester...let's hope its true this time.

p.s. i <3 you,

p.p.s. we were totally the hottest wolf-and-little-red couple out there. and i was sick on halloween, too. tongues out to the rest of you.

parents, computers, complaining, black holes, flying pigs, wtf

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