I hate people. Everyone is so fucking stupid

Apr 29, 2006 11:55

So apparently BGSU has hired a new head of the Ethnics Department. My first reaction, yay, someone else to pay money to, but apparently there are bigger problems than that. Now this is all by word of mouth of people who actually read the BGNews, so I don't knwo all the details, but the gist of it is that the "colored" people are angry. Why? Because the Head of the Department is... white.

Are you fucking serious?! It's the head of the Ethnics department! Suddenly White people have no ethnic background? We're not worthy enough to sit with the rest of society because we're white? I know what this is all about. People are confusing Ethnic studies with lets say Asian studeies, or Black studies. Guess what: IT'S NOT! Ethnic studies is different people and let me tell you how so you can no longer be confused, stupid, and naive! Ethnic studies is the study of ethnic backgrounds, meaning what makes up you and mean. Now, unless white people just appeared on this planet a couple days ago out of thin air I don't see why we suddenly lack an ethnic background. It's bullshit! I can tell you about my ethnic background if you'd like. I won't go into detail, which is very possible because my mother has traced my family all the way back to Europe and studied their history (oops, looks like we didn't just show up). When people ask what kind of blood I've got in me (my ethnic background) I say half American, German, and Irish. No, I have no native American blood running through me. But my Grandmother's half of our family has been living in this country since the 1600s. I think they've earned the title of Americans. Other Grandparents from Ireland and Germany. Shock and amazement, I have an ethnic background.

I can garuntee you discriminatting, hypocritical, mooching bastards that the new head of the department has an ethnical background as well, without no question. It's not possible for someone not to have one, even if all the documentation is lost and no one knows. Obviously the University finds this man qualified to head the department. But the people who are whining are doing it, not because they don't feel he's competant enough, not because he's had a bad history, but because of his color. Welcome other people of color to discrimination.

I'm sorry, but no one is special because of their color, and I hate when people assume that. You aren't better than me because decades ago your parents died worked on the continental railroad, or served some southerners. You didn't go through that shit, and I wasn't there to put them through it. My family didn't do it because half of them were over in Europe and the other half was living in the north, too poor to afford slaves, or be the masters of the slave market. It sucks that such things happened in the country, and still are, but I AM NOT AT FAULT! Quit generalizing and blaming me and other people who had nothing to do with all of the shit, and acting like we owe you one. We don't. I'm will to step asside and let the colleges give out scholarships to people because they have something in them besides European (another discriminatory act), but don't act like your better than me. You're not. You're my equal. I'm your equal.

If you wanted to be treated the same as everyone else then quit trying to ask for acceptions where no one else would recieve them. Take the blows like everyone else. And for goodnes sake STOP POINTING FINGERS! I'm tired of being blamed, tired of being accused, tired of having to watch where I step, but everyone else just trots along, because if I say one wrong word I can be accused of being racist (though I'm not), and of prejudice (this I am). I would go into the whole difference between the two but I don't feel like it. People of "color", something else that pisses me off. Apparently white isn't a color. Sorry folks, but it is. When you shine a WHITE light through a glass you get a rainbow of color. Gasp, that means white is made up of ALL COLORS. If you accuse white of not being a color than the same goes for black. Except that black as well is made up of all the colors on the rainbos. Everyone is a fucking color, so quit using that term. I had someplace to go with this but I can't remember. Anywho, society is growing up with standers. People of "color"= the world owes them one; White people = owe the world. That's how people are being raised. Not everyone, but if you think about it, if your white, do you ever feel uncomfortable? That you have to watch your wording because you don't want to be accused of racism? I'm tired of it all. And none of this will ever stop because no bodies tries to see everyone as the same. Everyone is still treated differently because of the color of their skin, and I mean EVERYONE. Every single person on this planet.

I'm done, I'm tired. I'm just waitint for something else that's stupid to come along and rile everyone up. People are stupid.
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