Well, they're rearranging my section at work. Religion and psychology has now officially crowded out Politics & Government from the middle section, so I spent today and yesterday helping my team leader shift everything in my satellite region over to make room for the refugees. This may mean that in addition to the subjects I already stock, I'll get Politics & Government--or it may mean that Sindy gets Politics & Government instead. Anyway...
I missed just enough sleep Monday night to feel so exhausted I was sick Tuesday. So I took a short nap that afternoon: only about three or four hours. Then I went to see Finding Neverland with my sisters. What an excellent movie! The most elegant cinematography, the most perfect choices made by the director and screenwriter; yet, I must in good conscience offer this warning to those of you with hearts gentile! Bring one or two packages of facial tissues with you. You'll be glad you did.
Friends have an obnoxious habit of scheduling their Christmas parties for the same days. At least they scheduled them for more or less the same town. I will try to find some way to attend both of them this Saturday.
Perhaps the greatest triumph and tragedy of the artistic temperament is its caprice. Not to be confused with the type of pants, although the right pair of capris can be a triumph and a tragedy unto itself. No, I'm talking about constant surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant. For example: as I was reading one of the posts of
flameofanar I was suddenly inspired by one of his sentences, and came up with an entirely new genre of tactical strategy game. So inspired was I that I had to pace through my house, outlining various mechanics and features the genre provided opportunity for, until I was calm enough to sit down again. Right now, the project is cryptically titled KotJG. It is possible that one day, the design and programming all mapped out, I will need to call upon my friends to lend a helping hand--or, shall we say, a helping voice? Until then, I can only say:
Neener, neener, neener! I've got a secret project and you don't!