pure genius
just catching Bill Maher's HBO special and realizing how much I admire his ability to articulate the people-positive "liberal" viewpoint in such a clear and funny way.
So my nominations for this year's Scotty Inspirational Humans of the Year Awards:
New Political Hero Who I Don't even mind makes up his own New Rules:
Old Political Hero Currently Way Fallen From Grace:
DENNIS MILLER . . . backfired deal with the Devil? film at 11.
Consistently Funny and Astoundingly Versatile Guy Who I Would Like to become when he's done:
Oh yeah, and two guys who make me want to write, produce and run a sitcom or series as well as they do:
JOSS WHEDON - Buffy, fucking genius shit - if I can write like this someday, Joss gets free coffee for, like, life at my house
CHUCK LORRE - Darma & Greg, Cybill, Grace Under Fire (whatever happened to Brett?) - and for his amazing freeform vanity cards that go by at a no-way-in-hell speed.
thanks for the inspiration, yo.