"Te Odio Y Te Quiero" by Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics
Oct 08, 2016 14:41
"I Hate You and I Love You" Album: Julio Jaramillo Todo Boleros and various other compilation albums Style: Conflicted love song, bolero Country: Ecuador
Julio Jaramillo sings poetically about a love that inspires a lot of conflicted feelings in him. This song was popular in Latin America in the mid-20th century and is now a classic oldie.
Me muerdo los labios para no llamarte. Me queman tus besos, me sigue tu voz. Pensando que hay otro que pueda besarte, Se llena mi pecho de rabia y rencor.
I bite my lips so I don't call you. Your kisses burn me, your voice follows me. Thinking that there's another who could kiss you, My chest fills with rage and resentment.
Prendida en la fiebre brutal de mi sangre, Te llevo muy dentro, muy dentro de mí. Te niego, te busco, te odio y te quiero, Y tengo en el pecho un infierno por ti.
Ignited by the brutal fever in my blood, I keep you deep inside, very deep inside me. I reject you, I seek you, I hate you and I love you, And I have in my chest an inferno for you.
Te odio y te quiero, Porque a ti te debo Mis horas amargas, Mis horas de miel.
I hate you and I love you, Because to you I owe My bitter hours, My honey hours.
Te odio y te quiero, Vos fuiste el milagro, La espina que duele Y el beso de amor.
I hate you and I love you, You were the miracle, The thorn that hurt, And the kiss of love.
Por eso te odio, Por eso te quiero, Con todas las fuerzas De mi corazón.
That's why I hate you, That's why I love you, With all the forces Of my heart.
[Short musical interlude]
No quiero nombrarte y busco en las copas El vino de olvido que nunca se da. Pensando en arrancarte, busqué en otras bocas El beso que borre tu beso inmortal.
I don't want to name you and I seek in these glasses, The wine of oblivion that never comes to me. Thinking of ripping you out of me, I sought in other mouths The kiss to erase your immortal kiss.
Y todo es inútil, Ni copas ni besos Pueden separarte, separarte de mí. Te llevo en mi sangre, te odio y te quiero, Y tengo en el pecho un infierno por ti.
And it's all useless, No drinks nor kisses Can separate you, separate you from me. I carry you in my blood, I hate you and I love you, And I have in my chest an inferno for you.
[Go back to coda until reaching interlude]
Translation Notes:
Y tengo en el pecho un infierno por ti. And I have in my chest an inferno for you.
The word infierno means not only a literal inferno (large burning fire) but also, like in English, hell.
El vino de olvido que nunca se da. The wine of oblivion/forgetting that never comes to me.
The verb darse means: to give in, to give up, to surrender, to yield. Here, the narrator is seeking to forget his former lover who still ignites intense feelings in him, but forgetfulness doesn't present itself to him.
Ni copas ni besos No drinks nor kisses No cups/glasses/goblets nor kisses [*lit.]
Here, although copas literally means "glasses" or "cups", it has the connotation of alcoholic drinks. The song talks about other things he has tried to forget his love, so "drinks" is the better translation for this specific line.