Voy a dejar Que mi guitarra diga todo lo que yo No sé decir por mí.
I am going to let My guitar say everything that I Cannot say for myself.
O quizá deba esperar A que el insulto del reloj Acabe de planear mi fin.
Or perhaps I should wait For the insult of the clock To finish planning my demise [*lit. my end].
Duelen tanto las sonrisas, Cuesta un mundo respirar, Es que no tenerte aquí Ya me hace mal.
Smiles are so painful, It costs a world to breathe, It's just that not having you here Makes me ill now.
Chorus: -------------------------------------------- Me sigue rodeando La sombra de ti.
It continues to circle me, The shadow of you.
Y siguen rodando Por ahí... Todas las palabras que dijimos Y los besos que nos dimos.
And they continue circling Around there... All the words (that) we said And the kisses (that) we exchanged.
Como siempre, Hoy estoy pensando en ti.
Like always, Today I am thinking of you. --------------------------------------------
Debes saber Que hay pedazos de tu boca sin querer Regados por aquí.
You should know That there's pieces of your mouth, by accident Scattered around here.
Y que tropiezo cada día sin pensar Con un viejo recuerdo más Y alguna nueva historia gris.
And that everyday I trip without thinking Over another old memory And another gray (piece of) history.
Si no puedo estar contigo, Yo no puedo estar sin ti. Cada vez se hace más duro ser feliz.
If I can't be with you, I can't be without you. Every time it gets harder to be happy.
[Chorus + repeat last stanza]
Translation Notes:
Lyrics originally translated 2004. Edited 2010.
Duelen tanto las sonrisas Smiles are so painful They hurt so much, (the) smiles [lit.]
Es que no tenerte aquí / Ya me hace mal. It's just that not having you here / Makes me ill now. It's because not having you here / Does me harm now. [alt.]