"We Can Cause Each Other Harm"
Style: Pop, about the potential of new relationships
Country: Colombia
YouTube [
Full translation moved to songlations.com]
Ya es tarde para que te vea
Igual que lo hacía
En los días lejanos de mi cotidiano eterno.
It is late now for me to see you
The (same) way I used to
In those far away days of my everyday eternity.
Mira que ya todo es tan distinto
Estamos explotando
Uno tan cerca del otro y de pronto, mi amor --
Look, see that everything is so different now
We are exploding
One so close to the other and all of a sudden, my love --
Podemos hacernos daño,
Podemos odiarnos tanto,
Podemos hacernos daño.
Podemos perder las riendas
Y encontrarnos en la guerra.
We can cause each other harm,
We can hate each other so (much),
We can cause each other harm.
We can lose the reins
And find ourselves at war.
Continued at songlations.com