I stole this from
pinkeuphoria1 ; well, not really stole, since i actually did comment and that means by the rules, I had to do it, but lol, I decided to do it even though I'm working on all those fics. Will give me something to do to give my brain some breathing air from the work in progress fics XDDD
The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing (and a prompt, please). In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. (If you absolutely can't write, maybe find a creative alternative?)
can i please please please say that i prefer to write ryokame/kameuchi/ryokameuchi/pikame? you know, just a thought. I'd enjoy it more? XDDD wouldn't mind writing ryouchi either. I just haven't been terribly fond of akame in a long time. but if you desperately want some other pairing, then by all means, request it. ^__^ i won't die from writing something not my favourites. ^^
That's all =P Request away~
I'm sorry I haven't gotten any of these done DDD: I feel bad but i just get so swamped with other stuff >< i'll make another request post okay? One that I promise to get done :DDDD