I've spent a lot of time this week just making new posts of everything - want to separate from the old username as much as I can =P
New fic list, new intro post, and new banner for the intro post. =P
Check out my new intro post banner~~ it's ryokame? =P so maybe i edited it a bit so that it could be solely RyoKame without anyone else, but haha, doesn't it look real? =P it's partly real; the colours got so intense that the guy's head that had been in the background between them was only a blur of skin, so technically~~ I didn't change much.
http://songkissed.livejournal.com/75216.html <<<
p.s. it's my last class of the summer today! After this, freeeeeeedom for like...2-3 weeks! :D *dances happily*