Date written: November 2008
Title: Discovering fanfiction
Pairing: Leeteuk/Eunhyuk
Rating: PG
Word Count: 397
A/N: Made some very few, minor changes to the original.
Leeteuk and Eunhyuk had shoved the last bit of their sandwiches in their mouths as fast as they could. They glanced from the corner of their eyes to see if anyone was watching them. As soon as the last crew member went out of the studio for lunch, Leeteuk sprang into action. “Go, go, hyung! Run! Run like Ma Siwon!” Eunhyuk yelled. As soon as he said this, Leeteuk grabbed the laptop and they both ran to the men’s restroom and locked the stall door. They somehow both fit on the small toilet seat.
Leeteuk checked his watch. 12:15. They had 15 minutes until their break was over. He and Eunhyuk exchanged the same expression.
“AHH-haha!” Leeteuk laughed his infamous high-pitched laugh. “Kangin was telling me about this website all day; I just had to find out what the fuss was all about. All he’d keep telling me was stuff like, ‘You won’t believe the stuff they think we do!’ and ‘I wouldn’t read it if I just ate lunch’.”
“But…. Hyung. We just ate lunch!” Eunhyuk gasped.
Leeteuk raised his eyebrow. Eunhyuk cleared his throat.
“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s find out,” Eunhyuk urged.
Leeteuk slowly typed the letters as he read them out loud. “Double yooou, double yoou, double yoooou… dot…”
“Gimme that! Gosh hyung, you have STD,” Eunhyuk snapped.
“It stands for Slow Typing Disorder.” Eunhyuk grinned his toothy grin. He quickly typed the website that was scribbled on a piece of paper Leeteuk was holding. He hit ENTER and smiled with pride. “THAT’S how you type.”
Leeteuk rolled his eyes. He looked at the screen and smiled. “Aww… look at all the cute little icons of us.”
Eunhyuk scrolled down and clicked some of the tags. “Hey hyung! Here’s one about you and me… hey hyung, what’s smut?”
“Hmm, I dunno. Sounds like a type of bra or something. Maybe we’ll find out at the end of the story,” Leeteuk grinned.
The two beamed with joy as they silently read the fanfic about them. As they went deeper into the story, their smiles started disappearing.
What the...
Just as they finished the last line, they cleared their throats and looked at each other awkwardly. They scooted a little bit away from each other.
“Uhh…” Leeteuk managed to say.
“Is this REALLY what our fans write about us?!”