It's been a long time coming...

Feb 12, 2005 15:31

So I haven't written a journal entry in forever. I'm sorry. I get distracted at school and it's hard to really sit down and write something. I don't really read as much as I'd like to either. I don't know whether to say a lot has happened since I've been here or not much at all. It's been pretty fun though. Last night I went out to our newly opened Olive Garden with a big group of friends. It was pretty fun and the food was good but people just seemed kind of weird. Afterwards Sarah, Craft, and I all went out stargazing. That was really fun. Craft has a great spot and it was really a perfect night to just sit and relax. I landed a part in a play!!! I was really excited about it. If you've been around me at all lately you've probably heard more than you want to about it. I'm in a play called The Vampyre. It's based on a book written about 40 years before dracula. It was written by Lord Byron's doctor and gay lover making fun of him for being an overly dramatic, undead, blood sucking poet. I get be none other than Lord Ruthven (pronounced riven) himself. Valentine's day is coming soon and I can't wait. I'm so bad with presents because when I know people have them for me I want to get them right away and when I have presents for other people I want to give them immediately. Unfortunately somewhere along the line of makin' music nazi hood someone has decided that a good day to have the first makin' music practice is on valentine's day. I'm not in makin music however my girlfriend is which puts a damper on doing anything that night. But its cool. Some other night. By the way i've had a lot of fun with her lately. I'm really glad I have her around... she makes me smile =) The other day we went to a Relient K concert with one of our friends... Katy Fulfer! That was a lot of fun. Those guys always put on a good show. Speakin' of bands, check out the Decemberists if you haven't already. Good stuff. Well... I gotta go take a shower... sewiously but you guys have a good day and i'll try to write again soon.

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