Jan 29, 2005 22:10
1. What public figure's passing affected you most in 2004? None.
2. What event would you have most liked to have witnessed first hand? Democratic National Convention
3. What cartoon would you go live in for a week or a month? Ummm... The simpsons?? No, then I'd have to hide from Millhouse. Not sure.
4. What song have you been listening to alot? You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
5. What are you doing or have done in response to the tsunami?
I don't trust any of these organizations.
1. How did you celebrate the ringing in of the New Year?
Worked till 8, went to Carenna's for a few hours, and then went to bed directly after midnight to wake up and work at noon.
2. How would you rate 2004 on a scale of 1-10?
3. What stands out as the single biggest moment for you?
Probably Virginia Beach, of course that was several moments.
4. What do you expect will happen in 2005?
I will obtain a full scholarship only to transfer the hell out.
5. What is your wish for your family, your town, your nation and the world?
I wish that we'd awaken and realize that peace begins within ourselves and what our children learn based on how we lead our lives. I wish we'd realize the gift of freedom but even more, the responbility and make a true and lasting commitment to peace.
1. Hottest place you've visited? Lived?
I guess Virginia Beach was pretty hot.
2. Song that gets you hot?
Heaven-Bryan Adam's version
3. Person other than Signifigant Other that gets you hot?
Parker English
4. Hottest movie scene?
Ummm that one in Girl Next Door when they're making the video
5. Hottest sexual experience?
Well, there was this one time, after class, in his office when...
6. Hottest non-sexual experience?
Being with you-know-who
1. What would you write on your epitaph?
Here Lies.
2. What would you like to be remembered for?
My voice, literally or symolically
3. What would the title of your memoirs be?
Desire, Obession, and Deceit: The Melissa Fernandez story
4. Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life? Who should play you?
Roseanne Barr
5. If you had one moment to do over, to either change the outcome or savor the moment again, which moment would it be?
Hurting you.
1. What's the sexiest name you've ever heard?
2. What's your idea of a romantic evening? Lying in each other's arms on the beach on a breezy summer night, talking about life.
3. Where's the most romantic place you know?
Bradley's Point. I hope I get proposed to there and there's not some bratty 14 yr old to ruin it like Toni and I did once.
4. What's the most romantic gesture someone's made to you?
CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD!!! Hmmm... Maybe when Bryan told me that giving him a blow job would help my jaw tension.
5. What was your most romantic gesture?
Defending you to everyone.
1. Who's your favorite superhero?
Peter Pan.
2. Who's your favorite villain?
Captain Hook.
3. What was your last brush with greatness?
My World Cultures debate. You know it!
4. Who is the last celebrity you've seen in public?
Mary Travers
5. What's the most important event on your horizon?
My 19th birthday. May 29th. I want a surprise party. Be there.
1. If you had a choice, would you be circumsized or not? Why or why not? (ladies, pretend to be men or skip this one)
Hey, you don't have to be a man to be circumsized! They do it in India!
2. What elective surgery would you have performed on yourself if expense wasn't an object?
Boob job.
3. What body part of yours is perfect just the way it is?
Don't you know I have a beautiful face?
4. What was your most serious or involved surgery?
Hah. Getting my wisdom teeth out.
5. Ceserean section or vaginal birth?
Why would you ever have a c-section if not necessary? Natural birth all the way.
6. Epidural or drug free child birth?
Drugs-free! I have a very high pain tolerance... I went to West Haven High.
7. Which is worse, the anticipation or the recovery?
Let's hope I never know.
1. What's your orientation?
2. What's your favorite sexual position?
I am a tradionalist.
3. How do you feel about porn?
K, I don't mind if my boyfriend looks at it as long as he gets it from me.
4. How important is sex to maintaining the bond between you and your partner?
Important once we reach that level.
5. Have you ever engaged in same sex activities?
Nope. I'm an American, baby!
6. Are you more aroused by visual, auditory or sensate (touch) stimulation?
7. How long have you gone without sex with another person?
Let's see... My last meeting was Wednesday... a couple of days?
Within the time period of High School:
5 People you wish you were still close to
Rose, Rashida, Jota, Mike, and Christina
4 Places you used to frequent
Choral room, Library, Milford Post Mall
3 Classes you loathed
Chemistry, AP US HISTORY, English 3 w/ Grendle
2 Teachers who made a difference
Mr. Consorte, Mr. Scanlon (for the worst), Mr. Conlan
1 Moment to relive or erase.
Relive Mock Trial--- what fun! Erase taking Vento again.
Ten movies you'd watch over and over:
Nine people you enjoy the company of:
Michael, Toni, Rachel, Steve, Carenna, Anne, George, Cory, Ed
Eight things you're wearing:
underwear, jeans, tank top, ring... ummm, that's all.
Seven things on your mind:
Cory's grandmother, New Britain, shopping, classes, organizing, running, Bryan Adams
Six objects you touch every day:
My hair, my jewelry, my keyboard, my notebook, my pillow, blankets
Five things you do every day:
Shower, brush teeth, bait, read, talk
Four bands (etc) that you couldn't live without:
REM, Crosy Stills and Nash, John Denver, and of course, THE SPICE GIRLS
Three of your favorite songs at this moment:
You're So Vain, Dreams, Popular
Two people who have influenced your life the most:
Sarah, Mrs. Manzella
One person who you love more than anyone in the world:
I don't think I really love any one person more than another. That's a little sad, to me.