Jun 05, 2008 00:00
As I get another year older, I always feel like this will be the birthday when I actually feel older but alas, like all the other years, I don't really feel any different than I did before. I'm sure that is customary with everyone (in fact, I remember saying that when I turned 10) but it always strikes me how birthdays function.
Mine was lovely, went out with the sister as soon as it hit, then again later that night to a nice dinner and a movie.
As I think about this birthday, I have begun to realize how different things are from previous birthdays. Yes, things always change, but this year in particular I have begun to see changes not only in myself but in the people I hang out with.
Old friends have grown up, some have graduated, some have moved away; all of them have gotten better with age. Some of my friends are brand new or we have connected in a new way, a few in particular I am thinking of, and I couldn't imagine how I ever got along without them.
It is also interesting to reexamine how you got to the age that you did. I've been thinking about how I used to be: my priorities, interests, general way of being and how radically different it all is (in some ways, in others I am exactly the same as I used to be). Remember when I wanted to go to law school? Remember when I liked working at my summer job that I just started? There are so many of those I can spit out right now, and I have laughed at the 5 that came to my mind after I typed out the first one.
(a few hours later)
I was going to write more, but I got distracted. So I'll just put this to a close. Needless to say, it's only going to get more interesting from here.
Goodnight, and good luck.