application. | digital dive.

Oct 20, 2010 04:49

Name- Taco

LJ- tacos_of_doom

Email address-

AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- [aim] fonic melodist

Character, series- Sekka Yufu :: UTAU

Character journal- song_of_snow

Character type- n/a. UTAU doesn't have 'em. 8D THOUGH if I had to guess, Major or Secondary.

Digimon partner- Cocomon > Chocomon > Lopmon > Chakkumon > Blizzarmon > Daipenmon

D-Comm colours/symbol- white / silver / gray

Imported from another RP?- nein.

Character appearance-

Character age- Physically: 17
Chronologically: Almost 2 years old [DOB: October 25, 2008]

Character history- As VOCALOID and UTAU became more popular, more and more people became interested in creating their own; VOCALOID was now offering different variations on their already existing models to those who were willing to pay the money for the quality. UTAU, however, were left up to the Masters who wished to build them, these Masters often being inexperienced in the ways of building robots.

Such was the case of a boy who just wanted a friend. For all of his life, Yufu's "Master" had lived in one area of Japan. He was a smart boy, and was often ridiculed for how ridiculously smart he was; thus, he didn't have many friends. One year, his parents announced that the family was moving up even further north. The boy hardly had any friends where he lived at that point, and he knew that moving up more north would only make it harder on him to make new friends. Even so, he tried ... and failed.

He had heard of VOCALOID and UTAU, and admired them; he decided, then, that he would try and build his own, incorporating a few of his interests in with the UTAU. He was inexperienced, though, and had not much of an idea of how to really build a quality robot. He went ahead with the project anyway, though, desperately wanting a friend.

Thus, Sekka Yufu came to be, designed with the boy's love of snow in mind.

The boy loved his new friend, despite the fact that his inexperience with robotics caused the girl to have a serious emotional defiency. He and Yufu often had snowball fights during the winter time, which came a few months after she was brought online. He brought Yufu with him everywhere, and enjoyed singing and dancing with her.

The word got out that this boy had made an UTAU, and a group of "Masters" who had all created their own UTAU as well got in contact with the boy, wanting to know if he'd like to join them in their quest to improve the quality and function of UTAU overall. The boy, at first, was uncertain ... but he got along well with some of the other Masters, and decided that it would be a good idea to have Yufu be around her own kind. So, he and Yufu started to meet with these UTAU Masters and their UTAU.

Yufu was so quiet that she didn't really socialize with any of the other UTAU at first, but she slowly became close to a couple of the other UTAU; in particular, Yurika Sayu and her brother, Yurika Sai, and also Momone Momo. Momo was always very happy and chipper, very outspoken and prone to dragging Sayu and Yufu around. Yufu liked Momo, but she felt that Sayu understood her better, as the two of them were often able to 'speak' to each other without words. In time, a rumor was started that the two of them were able to speak telepathically.

For some time, things were wonderful for Yufu and her Master. Her Master was able to finally have friends that he shared a common interest with, while Yufu was able to make and live with friends of her own kind.

Of course, when all seemed perfect, tragedy struck.

It began with the disappearance of the VOCALOIDS, their distant cousins. At first, nobody really thought much of it; there were a select few among the UTAU that didn't particularly care for their dear cousins. But then, the unofficial 'leader' of the UTAU, Kasane Teto, disappeared as well. Teto's disappearance caused an uproar, but then others began to disappear, too: Amane Luna, Namine Ritsu, Fuuga Koto ... one by one, their family seemed to be shrinking.

Yufu could only stay by Sayu's side as they did what they could to keep the UTAU who remained from freaking out too badly, but when Sai disappeared, Sayu couldn't seem to remain optimistic anymore. Yufu's best friend had become more withdrawn than she had ever seen her, and Yufu was doing as much as she could to be there by her side.

But then, as the members of their family continued to disappear, Sayu's turn came.

Yufu completely clammed up after that, not speaking or interacting with anybody at all. She remained this way for only a short time, however ...

because it didn't take long until she, too, disappeared.

Character personality- Yufu is extremely quiet. Sure, she talks, but she prefers not to if she doesn't have to. When she does talk, however, her voice is extremely quiet and soft, and one really has to listen hard to hear what she has to say. Her inflection is fairly limited; thus, when she does talk, she has a tendency not to show too much emotion in her voice. In other words? She's fairly monotone.

Yufu is not an andoid of many emotions. More often than not, one will find her staring into space, and appearing overall ... well, uh, spacey. If something makes her happy, she will smile. If somethig makes her sad, she will appear more down than normal. She scarcely, if ever, is angry; if she ever is, it's in the form of utterly silent loathing.

Yufu isn't shy, per se ... but the fact that she is as quiet as she is makes it difficult for her to make friends. She has a few very good ones, one of them in particular being her best friend (Yurika Sayu). With aformentioned best friend, she really doesn't need to talk. The two of them have a very good silent understanding of each other.

Digimon personality- Lopmon is almost exactly like her tamer. She's super-quiet, super-cute, super-monotone, and devoid of a lot of emotion, just as Yufu is. She even seems to be able to talk in tongues with her tamer, just as Yufu can do with Sayu. For the most part, Lopmon and Yufu seem to be perfectly in sync, even reacting the same way to things ...

... only, Lopmon is super protective. If there is any hint of danger, Lopmon will step in to protect what is important to her (her tamer, in this case). She will fight as hard as she possibly can to make certain that her tamer is safe. When there is danger around, Lopmon seems to become completely different, and fights like any wild animal will.

Once the danger passes, Lopmon always returns to normal, though, and becomes just as quiet as her tamer is once more.

Character abilities- Generally, the Yufu you see is the Yufu you get. Yufu is a singing robot. She sings. And dances. Yufu can also withstand damage a little easier than others, because Yufu is made of metal. Yufu has tiny amount of hacking capability, but does not use it.

Sample RP- As Yufu woke up, it didn't take her long to realize that she wasn't in the same place she had been before. Even still, she didn't move to pick herself up and explore. She merely lay there, half on her side and half on her back, staring into space. Her hair had come undone from her long, silver braid during the landing, and was now sprawled all over the place.

The only think Yufu noticed, other than the fact that she wasn't exactly in Japan anymore, was that she was laying in something wet. Cold. Icy.

She closed her eyes. The familiar, wonderful feeling of the snow against imitation skin was overwhelming. She loved it.

But she opened them again, lazily looking around for any sign of the people she knew; not that she expected to see any of them. This place looked all but deserted.

It scared Yufu a little, to think of how wonderful a thought that was.

The pitter-patter of little feet reached delicate ears, but Yufu didn't move to see who or what it was. As the body of a small, brown ... rabbit-looking thing came into her line of sight, though, she inhaled and exhaled a breath.

The rabbit crouched on small hind legs, using a front claw to gently poke Yufu in the face. She looked up as much as she could, straight into the eyes of the gentle beast ...

The beast went to retrieve something from the girl's coat pocket; it looked like a modern-day cell phone.

I did not have such a thing ...

And yet, it was in her pocket. Why?

Yufu didn't question it for long. The rabbit took the phone into her tiny paws, opening it and pressing a button.

"Requesting assistance for my tamer," was all she said.

Sample journal entry- [ audio ]
Requesting assistance for my tamer.

Mn ..

Can you move?

S'not my cell phone ..

D-Comm. Yggdrasil gave it to you.

Yggdrasil ..?

Our God.

A-Ah ...

[ it goes silent for several moments before the feed cuts out. ]

!ooc, !digital_dive

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