(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 05:00

Went to Rich's tonight. Watched Deathstalker. Shook head many times. Watched Borat. Got drunk. Watched A Scanner Darkly. I'm not sure if watching that movie drunk was a great idea or not.

A meme from nothingbroken.

1) Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2) I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3) You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1) Do you have any irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are they?
Since childhood, I have had the suspicion that, when lying in my bed, sharp blades or lasers would fly out and perfectly delineate the parameters of my sleeping space and amputate whatever lay across the boundaries of the bed/mattress. I can't say as I can explain that one.

2) If it ever became safe and affordable for people to live on a colony on the moon, would you move there?
That is so incredibly tempting. The rigours of living in a moon colony might be beyond me, as I have certain problems with space and privacy, but being on the moon might just be enough to overcome that. I've dreamed about space my whole life.

3) If you could change your own name (without any red tape or hassle whatsoever), would you do so? What would you change it to?
I don't think that I would. I seem to suit my name at times (if you don't know, it means that I'm a dog). If I were to change it, I think that I might change it to Garrick, simply because it's vastly underused.

4) What's your favourite food and your most hated food?
I can never pick my favourite food. I love well-seasoned chicken, I love a good stew, and I love Chinese food to death. Maybe the Scottish heritage has something to do with that? My most hated food would probably be either bananas or meat lasagna (vegetarian lasagna is much more palatable and therefore gets a pass).

5) If you had to fight a death-match, what weapon would you choose?
I actually learned to fence a little, so I wouldn't feel out of place with a rapier. I know a little bit about how one is to fight with a knife, but I wouldn't be that confident with it. Of course, if I were going into a situation where I expected to die, I think I'd want to go out with a toaster in my hands. I would want people to remember the dude who took on an unbeatable force with a toaster.
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