"If you develop a fantasy and then see it up close, 9 times out of 10 you wish you hadn't"

Jan 22, 2005 00:14

so today was pointless and boring, yet so much fun and hilarious. we got a long entry coming up...warning you now--

the fun began around 4th period. Natalie was really upset about Mr. Cohn being a dick (that wasn't the fun part) but the bell rang and she went to walk away and suddenly screamed, "NOW I HAVE TO GO TAKE A FUCKING QUARTERLY IN MATH" and simultaneously hurled her water bottle on the ground so hard that it shattered. And yes, i know, plastic can't shatter...this water bottle sprayed water eeeverywhere in all directions. it was fantastic. joey kait alex and i all stood there mostly scared but started hysterically laughing because it was just so perfect how it shot everywhere.

then during lunch i was driving with kait and joey in the car and joey proceeded to say something along the lines of "i wish girls would just not speak or anything ever" so jokingly i told him to get out of my car, but his response was "fine i'll just go to the deli and hitch a ride back with arthus" so it became a matter of my pride and calling him on it so i pulled over on jericho and said "get out of my car". so he gets out and kait and i go to bagel boss. we're driving back and i'm at school and joey calls saying "please pick me up it's freezing arthus doesn't have room in the car..blah blah" so we scream in anger but turn around. halfway to the deli joey calls back and says "oh hahahahahah blah blah i'm at school. suckaas" basically to that effect. so kait and i FLIP out. i screeched around and raced back to school with the genuine intent of removing joseph labella from the earth. we get there and of course there are no parking spaces so we scream to joe to move his "fucking car" and im taking his spot. he laughed and said he wasn't moving shit so i parked in the fire zone and kait and i chased him down. i beat him with my purse and we had ourselves a good laugh. good exercise for kait and i though.

today i got a haircut...i don't like it. whatev.

tonight kait called me "i'm home alone and booooooooooooooooored" so i went there. and we rented- WICKER PARK. i love that movie. love it. i'm actually buying it. i wasn't paying attention as well as i normally do for movies because kait and i kept talking, but the end made the entire movie. at literally the exact same time kait and i started hysterically crying and ripped off pieces of the paper towel roll on the couch. it was so good. oh my god. it was so good. it actually made me be like "oh god my heart hurts" i never knew josh hartnett was that good of an actor. his facial expressions were perfect for depicting his emotions. definitely a girl movie, not scary like i thought it would be though.

quote of the night "do you want to feel death?" and "so, bobby, i like chronic future...a lot. just thought i'd put it out there."

so yeah, unless you witnessed or took part in any of these events, this entry wasn't so interesting for you, but i enjoyed it. ok later. <3

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