Why the religious will always be hard to deal with..

Oct 24, 2009 16:28

Because their whole agenda is about aggressively pushing their beliefs, advertising themselves, and creating as much drama and fear in order to convert the poor lost souls as possible. They have to "spread the gospel".

Athiests and agnostics follow their more natural inclinations of wanting to just stay away from the whole religious drama as possible. But it's a stance that doesn't revolve around being pro-actively AGAINST others.. It's more of a reactionary thing whenever we are forced to have to explain why other people's claims are wrong.. We hear something stupid, and we tend to want to explain why it isn't so.. We don't run around distributing pamphlets on why everyone else around us is wrong. There's a reason why there's a huge majority of Religious Right nuts battling only a small group of non-believers, it's because they are actively antagonizing us. They are getting in our comfort zone, and threatening our freedoms. They are spreading myths and trying to stop true science in it's tracks. They want their version of events because its cozier that way and they want to ensure their souls have a place in heaven. They have this idea in their heads that there's got to be battles for souls, which is half the reason there will never be peace among people.

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