(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 13:36

Ten, Donna. Lèse majesté.

“It’s an actual crime to insult the Queen?”
“According to this book, yes.”
“Aren’t you lot past that whole monarchy-even-as-ceremonial-figurehead thing?”
“It was in your library, Spaceman, you tell me!”
“Well how do the tabloids get away with it then?”
“You have to do it in her presence to get arrested.”

“What’s the punishment?”
“Probably a fine. Maybe you get dismissed from her presence forever.”
“In Victoria’s day at least the banishment came after the knighting.”
“You’re going to tell me a story, aren’t you?”
“But it has a werewolf in it!”
“You are bloody impossible sometimes, you know that?”

drabble, doctor who

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