kind of old, but I found these things pretty interesting. so, not only were they nearing success a few years ago in learning how to reactivate human regeneration, which isn't very uncommon in animals : crabs can regrow any body part, including their eyes, and many reptiles and amphibians are able to regrow limbs and tails(spinal columns).
And I'd always been interested in cybernetics, ever since I was little, since all the human body is is a combonation of squishy machines functioning together to allow motion and other processes. So, how much of that can be removed by an accident or illness, and replaced to allow a person to still function? I'd no idea they'd actually made some headway into it, which is interesting, because they seem to be doing it in a way that was like how I imagined it being done in stories I'd wanted to write about cyborgs. And not only have they started making bionic limbs, but eyes as well! Cool shit.