i promise i'm still here... sort of. well, not really. the end.

Feb 09, 2007 01:35

It's almost 2am, and I'm still working. wtf I am insane. Almost ready to submit thesis for publication. Just submitted 2 IRB proposals, and will probably be able to get 4-5 studies/publications out of them - all cognitive/implicit learning-oriented, some including EEG analysis. Also, just submitted a proposal for the development of an intercultural sensitivity measure - part of an ongoing project in the Office of Assessment on campus. This will probably be my summer, next fall, etc. job. I want to apply for a grant to get my Interpersonal Intelligence measure up and running. About to start working on item generation and modeling of mathematical reasoning items, as well as a spatial learning ability adaptive test. By this time next year, I should have at least 2 or 3 publications in progress, in addition to the thesis. As those studies are ending, being written up and sent off, I plan to have at least 3 or 4 waiting in the wings. That's my goal. And this cyclical process is how I plan to spend the rest of my life. Is it insane that this makes me happy?

Me, wearing an EEG cap. You probably can't tell, but I also have electrodes around my eye. I had to wear this stuff while looking at a bunch of pictures that were intended to elicit either positive or negative emotional responses... for an hour. I'm pretty sure that I was half asleep the whole time, so I hope the data came out ok. This is my life. :)

That's my update for now. Other stuff: Lexapro is whack. My psychiatrist just stepped me up to 30 mg, and I'm having lame-o side effects like NOT BEING ABLE TO SLEEP or FEELING LIKE I'M ON TOO MUCH COLD MEDICINE. Also, my mood swings are more intense. *scratches head* I'm not sure I agree with the decision to step up... But, I'll wait a few more weeks until I go back to my doctor.

Also, I'm having lots of dreams where I go on these hopelessly complex and nonsensical adventures with Doctor Who (David Tennant) and Rose. Even though she's gone now. :( I think I have an unhealthy infatuation with that show. It's inspiring... it makes me actually... *cough* like the human race... almost as much as I love this planet. Hmm. It's like my Star Trek or Star Wars. I actually ponder about how they do this or that... what happens if (blank). I'm like those kids in Galaxy Quest. Sheesh!

Aaaand I've seen the entire Torchwood first season, and it rocks... it's no Doctor Who, but I like it. Adam feels differently... :(

There was something else, but I forgot... hmmm... OH YEAH. I highly recommend that you see the movie Gattaca if you haven't already. I will admit that the movie makes me cry, but so do half of the Doctor Who episodes with Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. BUT ANYWAY, it's very inspiring... it's very "fck the man, fck the system..." it's almost even "fck science", which would normally freak me out, but dag. Just go see it. This is one of those movies for people who believe in the power of motivation, mind over matter, and who really take that 1% chance of whatever seriously. This is all in regards to human abilities - both physical and mental. Err... My brain isn't really working anymore. Sorry. Just watch the damn movie.
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