(no subject)

Nov 19, 2006 09:43

Title: Vivre Ou Suvivre (1/?)
Author: Sonata Night
Rating: R
Pairing: Billy/Dom
Summary: Sometimes Dom can tell and sometimes he can’t.
Notes: Hm. Angstfic plotbunny just came along and bit me in the butt. Now I’m wondering if I’ll do more than a Billy POV and make a happy ending. I’m not sure I want to with this one.
Disclaimer: Fish are friends, not food - Erhm, I mean, all of this is purely from my imagination.
Archive: If you think it’s good enough, drop me a line at jiradamister@gmail.com and archive away!

Dom hadn’t been able to tell - he hadn’t known that tonight was the first night. He didn’t see the way that Billy gazed at him and seemed to almost lean forward as if to kiss him, and then pull back. He didn’t know when Billy shifted in his seat so that he was leaning ever so slightly against Dom, he was really trying subtly to lure Dom into putting his arm around Billy. But Dom hadn’t suspected a thing.

And then Billy had kissed him suddenly and Dom had thought it was the whisky, and Billy’s eyes had told him it was Dom, not the whisky , and Dom was suddenly full of rushing heat and raging hormones.


Dom wasn’t always able to tell - that Billy was full of laughter inside even when his green eyes looked serious. He sometimes couldn’t see the way that Billy would quirk a smile ever so slightly while Dom was doing something with Elijah, crashing cars on a television screen with the controller in his hands and a beer between his legs. He couldn’t tell that Billy was smiling, even when his eyes looked serious, because maybe he was having a rough day, but Dom, beautiful Dom in his eyes, made him smile again. Dom couldn’t always tell that.

And then Billy would wait until everyone else had left and Dom would turn to look at him and see those green eyes that looked so serious and Dom would settle against him in the chair, squishing their bodies together, and Billy would smile and Dom would feel a flood of warmth through his body.


Dom usually can tell - that what Billy wants to say is in his mouth. His eyes are beautiful but his mouth is expressive. He usually can know what Billy is feeling from his kisses; a quick kiss is a hurried, affectionate mood saved for being on set while a longer, lingering one is full of love, sweet and affectionate, pulling at Dom’s heart, and sometimes that love kiss turns into one of a more physical thing, and Dom knows he’s going to get shagged, and this is also a fairly common kiss. Dom can usually tell a lot about Billy from his mouth, but not always, there is a kiss that is hard to identify.

And Billy has given them to him more and more often, and Dom is starting to wonder if he’s just pretending not to know because he doesn’t want to think of what it could mean, because lately, that heat that pounds his veins from Billy is not as often showing up.


Dom had been able to tell - he’d known that tonight was the last night. He knew it in the way that Billy touched his cheek and pressed kisses to his forehead, all throughout their lovemaking. He knew when Billy pushed his legs up just a bit further, slid just a bit deeper in so that Dom could feel it more and more, the way that Billy watched him and didn’t say anything as Dom arched his back, that this was the end. He’d been suspecting it for a while anyway. Billy loved him, yes, but they both were too scared to make that extra step and commit outside of New Zealand, because Billy had a girl, Ali, back in Scotland, and Dom was too young and full of life and even himself to really think that maybe Billy would have left her for him.

Dom wants to do something, but he can’t do anything, and the next day, Billy is gone.
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