My original story, tentatively titled Figment, is growing into something big. Generally I do bad with longer much as I adore reading them, I'm so much better at writing one-shots. But I'm just kinda humoring myself for now to see where this goes, if anywhere. Knowing that I'm not an epic writer, I never paid much attention to things like backstory and world building, so this should at least be entertaining to fumble through.
Here's what I'm starting with:
- A list of chapters, or plot points, that I am slowly fleshing out into detailed outlines. I actually started writing the first part, then got distracted worrying about where I was going with it, so outlining should help.
- A list of characters, including major characters, recurring minor characters, and people who only show up for one or two 'episodes'. For the major chars, I'm trying to do individual outlines. Otherwise I seem to focus on one or two and just have the rest pop in as needed. I'm sure they each have their own story that will make the overall story more well rounded.
- A list of places. I actually have a sketched map including 3 cities, highways and smaller roads, rivers and mountains, and a handful of towns and such drawn in! How crazy is that? Now if only they had names...
- A list of tools/devices and who has them or where they are throughout the story, including backstory for how they were created.
- Backstory. More backstory than any story should have. I think I'm really writing the second half of the story here. I need a separate set of notes for the backstory.
Oh, and what's his story about you ask? Well. It has aliens, a magic sword, mad scientists, an evil queen, and a love triangle. YES it's like every epic cliche every, all rolled into one!
I always thought the best stories were the ones where the author took the most unlikely things and made them work. So of course I'm making every cliche and genre work in one story. I'm not ambitious at all.
And I'm not sure I expect to ever finish it or even make real progress, but it'll be fun in the process anyway!
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