I never post here anymore. I just crossed my mind that I should probably give some sort of update, but the truth is my life is pretty dull. I had to be induced after I was a few days over due. My labor went pretty well. I got an epidural after an hour because I'm a wimp, and 3.5 hours later I'd pushed a baby out of my vagina. I went back to work after about 10 days, and went back to working both jobs after about 3 weeks. I really wasn't in that much pain and we needed the money. I don't even know if anyone ever really posts on here anymore, but I figured it was worth noting that I did have a baby, Nora Elizabeth Williams MAciejewski was born on September 18th 2013 at 12:24pm, she was 21 inches long and 8lbs even, and she's pretty cute.