Jul 09, 2007 12:46
...and it's been amusing me for the last few minutes. Some gems include:
Bret's "The ritual of ultimate magickal smoothness and uberpower"
1. statement of intent: "it is my will to get a life."
2. stop your bullshit and your whining.
3. go back to school and/or apply for a decent-paying job within your skill set.
4. develop skills that will allow you to be attractive to yourself and others.
5. have fun.
6. die.
The magick of science is a good null hypothesis.
All beliefs are optional.
Some beliefs are more useful than others.
I have had past experiences in a Hell-like reality with cubicles. Instead
of brimstone, the smell of copier toner wafter through the air. Telephones
echoed like the cries of the damned. Instead of pitchforks, we had
This is what I get for listening to hours of coast to coast this morning during my drive to Ohio and checking out firethegrid.com this morning at work. I think I should begin my career as a professional charlatan with a mass conciousness experiment. What do you all think?
I think it goes well with the dream I had this morning where I was waiting in the dream megaplex for a friend and talking to myself to entertain the few other people hanging around. I was telling myself I wasn't good, but I wasn't crazy either.
And if you don't know what a dream megaplex is, then stay tuned...