Carry On My Wayward Son

May 20, 2008 01:59

Yeah, I know it's a lot later than expected but there is a major heat wave going on over here and it is killing me, doing anything, even sleeping seems like too much effort. Gawd, the heat is killing me, I feel like I'm slowly dying, because it's so hot, I don't feel like going out or eating for that matter. Staying at home is terrible since I have no air-conditioning. The 40 minutes it takes me to get to work almost kills me since I travel during the peak hours when it is most sunny. I’m sweating like a hog and my hair’s always a mess and oh god, just kill me!

Anyway enough ranting, I actually have to review the season finale of Supernatural. Really late I know but better late than never, right? Eh, I guess so. Right, so here goes...

 Finally a good episode, both this seasons finales (Jus in Bello, No Rest for the Wicked) have been good ones, something that I may re-watch again, unlike most of the third season. *squee* They again, started out with Carry On My Wayward Son… pretty cool, sets the tone for the finale, ya know, like you feel ooh, is the finale, so something big is gonna happen… love the idea. Plus the lyrics are perfect.

Talking about lyrics, OMG! They actually sung to Wanted Dead or Alive, that’s like one of my favorites, ever! And that was my favorite scene on the show, not because the boys are singing, but because of Dean and Sam. The lyrics suited Dean so, so well and while Dean said no awkward talk but that was his non-socially awkward way of dealing with it, and I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see Sam join in. Totally didn’t expect that. But that’s not what made it the best scene ever… after Sam got into the swing of things, so as to speak, Dean just stopped and he looked at Sam, just looked, and then the camera closed in on his face, and yeah, that look will be etched in my mind forever, it was the only moment in the entire episode that brought tears to my eyes. Not even the last scene with Sam crying or Dean screaming out for Sam did what that scene did to me. I just keep watching and re-watching that scene. I know exactly how Dean feels there, the big brother that is trying to get their little siblings mind off of things. Yeah being an elder sister, I can feel that. The whole point of that exercise for Dean was to make Sammy laugh and forget and he did just exactly that. It was beautiful! *sniff*

Okay, now back to the start, that opening scene set the tone for the episode, that dream, poor Dean, almost feeling the Hellhounds, Sam coming in, looking hopeful, Dean feeling hopeless (“Wow, with just 30 hours to go”) and the scene with Bobby’s new ritual, that’s couldn’t be doe any better. He’s got 30 hours to live, so all of them are behaving exactly as we would expect them too. Sam doing everything to save Dean and Dean still trying to protect Sam even if it means Hell for him. And Bobby just feeling so helpless.

The next scene was just too predictable, I expected that of course, Sam would summon Ruby, which he did, and of course, Dean would give him hell for it oh and of course, trap Ruby because he knows that Sam’s not gonna listen to him so being prepared. So yeah, I didn’t as much care for this scene no matter how cool it was seeing it. And the talk after it, I don’t know I liked it but it was one of my favorite Dean/Sam emo moments… until, Dean said “We’re not going to make the same mistake again.” From there, it went on to be one of the best speeches ever. The whole weak point and martyrs, and take care speech from Dean… uh huh, you could pretty much guess what’s gonna come.

Hmm, okay so this little girl was creepier than the one in Jus in Bello. Never thought that pretty little girls could be that creepy; kudos to the child actor for pulling that off.

Oh Bobby, I knew I loved this guy. He was so smart, to remove that hub cap (?) off their car so that they don’t take off without him. The way he delivered that line “Family don’t end with blood, boy” it was perfect. And him guessing about Dean’s hallucinations, that’s one smart guy. I loved how the right amount of protective yet overbearing fatherly figure he was.

I’ve already talked about the next scene, which was one of my most loved scenes on the show so far, and the fact that for most part of it, Dean could behave so normally, as if the world is not falling over his head… *sobs*

Also, how cool was that Dean could just see the demon’s real faces? But at that moment, something that bugged me was that at the start of the show, they showed that any demon flinches at the name of Cristo, and they used that to recognize demons for the better part of the first season but then later forgot all about it. I mean seriously how many demon troubles have they had in S2 and S3 where they have failed recognize a demon, couldn’t they have used that? But then I forgot all about it in the next moment, when Bobby calls Dean Hell’s Bitch. How succinct, lol. And the way Dean says thank you and all Sam can think is about how handy it’ll be, instead of worrying that Dean has only 5 hours to live, hee!

Oh wow, that was a mega ass of a cake but I can see how those people would be bored to eat that, I have a huge sweet tooth, too much of a sugar person but all that sugar made even me nauseas and to have it everyday… also, what spineless parents that let their father die, but for good reason too, if she just flipped her hand to kill the poor old man.

I loved that Dean was so against killing the little girl while Sam who was the more moral one had no issues with it, I found that a tad bit creepy, was that a reference to dark-side-Sam? Bobby sanctifying the water sprinklers was an act of pure genius, loved the idea, it was just like when in Season 1, John sanctified the water tank to stop Meg and her brother from following them.

Heh, Dean’s face was so funny when he looks at Ruby and says you’re one ugly broad… and the way he just shelters his eyes from her. My theory is that Lillith was already in Ruby’s body by then… I mean, Dean could see it before but now, he thinks it looks worse, and he later mentions that you look all the same to me but I felt as if something was different, so yeah, I think the bodies had already been switched by then. And only someone as powerful as Lillith could successfully escape the Devil’s trap. Anyway, when the sprinkler’s go on, Dean’s boast is so ::rofl::

Next scene, I loved that Sam hesitated to kill the little girl, shows that he’s human and not all dark, even thought the mother herself was pressing him to do it. Yay Dean for saving the little girl from a really pointless death. My hero! Oh but Bobby was totally wasted from there on… he was like just watching, nothing else, for a minute, I actually thought a demon would attack him from behind but nothing happened.

Aw, with no time left for Dean, Sam’s desperation could be so clearly seen, and Dean was still hell bent on being the best big brother he could, and that big brother speech was so inspiring, “And remember what I taught you.” Dean, honey, you break my heart. I wish everyone had a big brother like him. But I want a loud applause for our dear Sammy boy. That was an awesome piece of acting. The boy has improved a lot since that first episode. You’ve come far, Jared and I’m just amazed at how much better you emote now. I could feel his pain and that’s what the viewers want the most. Something to connect with.

And then we have that next scene, which I pretty much hated. Dean started to be so strong but two seconds later, he started running away from those hellhounds. Understandable. But then they got in that room, figures out she’s not Ruby and it goes down. Okay, I’ll agree with some of my f-list mainly misty_writes and agree that she has improved. But she’s still not on the level, ya know. And while I know she probably got no control over it, I hated that little girl act. Lillith is the mother of demons… why would she behave like an 8 year old? Okay, she might prefer the body of 8 year olds but why behave like one and if she doesn’t like the body of little girls and finds it exciting to be in the body of a pretty grown woman, well what’s stopping her? And that kiss made no sense, nor did her comment, just stupid rubbish!

Next we come to the scene where she sics the hellhounds on Dean. Brilliant piece of acting, Jensen! And Jared. You could actually feel the terrible pain Dean must be going through or the pain emanating from Sam seeing his brother being torn to shreds. It was just great and wow, and gory, very gory!

Oooh now comes the contemplative part… how did Jared escape Lillith powerful white light? Was it a reaction to what happened to Dean? We remember in Nightmare, Jared had telekinetically moved the wardrobe away from the door when he had a premonition of Dean die. Was it something like that? A reaction to saving Dean. I think so. I think it might have been partly something to do with him seeing Dean die. Which brings me to the last part… is Dean really dead? Is he in Hell? I don’t know. I feel as if Sam using his freak abilities managed to stop him from going to Hell. That maybe Dean is stuck somewhere in between Hell and Earth. ghani_atreides has a very good theory of what might have happened. Very plausible too. But what about Dean’s body? It’s been torn to shreds. can he actually come back in the body? They can’t preserve it and even if he comes back alive seconds later, isn’t he too damaged to survive? And what about Ruby? Will she have another body or get back to her own? I think she’ll be back in her own, as far as I know Katie Cassidy has been retained for the next season.

I think Season 4 will take off exactly where it left off, with Dean screaming for Sam, much like the beginning of Season 2 where they had just crashed into the truck. And I guess Bobby will come running or something, and Sam might use his mojo to get Dean back, at least that’s what I’m hoping and in the meanwhile, the empty body of Ruby’s might get its host back. I guess we will be talking about it all through the hiatus so I’ll leave it here for the moment.

ETA: Three of my entries were weirdly enough customised to private, no idea how, they're the friday_five and 3.15 reviews if anyone's interested.

rant, supernatural, ep rant, dean winchester, sam winchester

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