(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 22:50

.I like pretty things.

Ok so today theres 2 words of the day- one actually shows how i feel and the other is just to kill time and waste your life..arent i nice^_^

ap·a·thet·ic Audio pronunciation of "apathetic" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (p-thtk) also ap·a·thet·i·cal (--kl)

1. Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
2. Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.

pred·a·to·ry Audio pronunciation of "predatory" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prd-tôr, -tr)
1. Living by preying on other organisms: a predatory mammal; a predatory insect.
2. 1. Of, relating to, or characterized by plundering, pillaging, or marauding.
2. Living by or given to exploiting or destroying others for one's own gain.

af·fla·tus Audio pronunciation of "Afflatus" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-flts)

A strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration.
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