Things I have to say, in a handy-dandy list format! Mostly this is because I am lazy, but also because what's not to love about lists? They keep things organized and coherent and I think organization and coherency are generally very good things at 8am when you went to sleep around 5 and got up at 6:45.
-I've actually been doing homework and stuff lately, and making more of an effort to go to my classes. I can't skip my Renaissance Lit class any more: the professor would get pissed. That's a pretty big motivating factor for going. Most of my huge projects are done for now, although the list is growing again. My Ren. Lit presentation is over, the in-class essay for another Lit class is done (thank god! I was getting so sick of Underworld), my Spanish composition and reflection have both been written and handed in, and I'm generally caught up in classes. This weekend I need to work on a 6-page reflection/topic paper about Underworld (not too bad, since I have a couple of topics I can use), a PowerPoint presentation about Paraguay for Spanish, some stuff that I can't remember for my teaching class, and probably some reading for Ren. Lit. I thought this upcoming week was supposed to be the last week before Thanksgiving, so you can imagine my disappointment when I realized that I still had like a week and a half left.
Although, my Renaissance Lit professor is pregnant and due on the 18th. She says we'll probably have class that day anyway, but we might be getting an email that morning. The 23rd is definitely cancelled though, which is awesome. I know I'm paying a lot of money to be here, but I am going crazy and wish that Thanksgiving break was earlier. Or that there was some kind of single-day holiday about halfway through the semester. Preferably in the middle of the week.
-Work. Is. Awesome. I am typing up this entry right now, sitting at the front desk. There is no one around on the weekends! The dorm is really quiet except for the hum of something around here that I can never identify. I don't love getting up so early to come work at 7, but it beats the crap out of working the closing shift, when all the students who are around are down at the desk stomping and laughing and making noises. I'm tempted to hope for more opening shifts next semester, but I don't know. Naps are my friends now, except I almost always (lately, anyway) end up sleeping longer than expected, and then it's a scramble to shower and get stuff together for class. Eh.
-I finally finished knitting something that isn't just flat! A hat for Jonathan! I mean, I know it started out flat, but then I used some techniques I've never used before, and it looks like a real hat instead of a big ol' rectangle on my head. He picked out the yarn over a year ago, and I promised I'd make him a damn hat, but then didn't know how. I'd post a picture but I'm at work and it's upstairs on my dresser. I feel like it's really cute, and might eventually make one for myself. I need more yarn though--I'd want a gray one to go with my coat, and I'm making one for Amber for Christmas and she wants green but not the green that I have. Then I'm going to make a couple for the dolls, maybe try to sell one? Jonathan's hat is kind of big on me, but it looks like that's how it was supposed to be made, like it's some bastardized version of the slouchy beret things that people wear. (I have one and love it, but always feel like it's going to fall off of my head, and anyway it's more for fashion than keeping anything warm.) After the hats, I'll probably move on to a scarf? I hate making scarves, though, because they take so long and I get hopeless and lose patience. And I don't have any yarn that goes well together. I guess I'll "make" Jonathan take me to Michaels or Joann Fabrics next weekend. I like buying new yarn, except for the prices. And the fact that I don't REALLY have room for it.
-Also, I'm alllmost done buying Christmas gifts, I think. I have a few more: Mamaw, Uncle David/Aunt Tracy, and Joe, and Brittany, but overall I'm feeling rather accomplished. Maybe I'll make Mamaw a hat, except I bet she doesn't like them because they mess up her hair. And I got her a hat last year that she doesn't wear. I guess I can get her books, or a little homemade voucher that says "Tell me five books and I'll get 'em for you online" or something. (Which reminds me that I still need to make little cards for Jonathan's gift. I don't know what to get for Joe, though. What do you get for the man who's been cheating on your father for nine years but who your father won't leave? I'm thinking a travel coffee mug. But I did that two years ago. I don't know. Suggestions?
(All I know is that I am super super excited to give Emily her stuff. And to do stockings with her. She is seriously one of my best friends (because there's a three- or four-way tie at this point) and I don't know what I would do without her. Ilu leetle seester.)
I should have brought my tarot cards because I really want to attempt a reading. I have to settle instead for Facebook horoscopes (which are hit or miss...generally miss). My horoscopes keep telling me to watch my money, to be careful with money, not to spend money, etc, am I supposed to do that? I'm pretty good with not spending money, and getting deals on stuff and sales and all that, and it's not like I'm just spending willy-nilly--none of this is necessarily for me (except maybe the yarn), and it'll be over soon. Anyway, it's not like I live my life by what the horoscope says: I just thought it was strange/nifty that several different ones all mention dinero.
That's about it. :D If inspiration ever hits, I'm going to decorate a bunch of postcards and send them to people. I'll keep you posted.
I feel like I look hungover, despite my best efforts at bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (which is a really strange phrase) Also, I imagine the fact that I'm drinking out of a gigantic water bottle doesn't help my case.