Tweets for Today

Mar 10, 2009 19:05

Look! There's a Twitter coming up. Watchout.

  • 20:55 Apparently something bad happened to someone at the Rec...there was a fire engine and EMS there. :( #
  • 22:10 So I actually got into a new Bzz Campaign on BzzAgent! And it's for some Clean and Clear product. Woo free stuff? #
  • 22:29 I can't decide which McAbby episode to watchhhhh. #
  • 01:49 I want to publish a book again, and the geek in me has dictated that my penname will be (something) Gemcity. Think that's legal? #
  • 02:24 Okay it is too late for me to still be awake. #
  • 10:34 Mornings suck. #
  • 14:21 The Jewish guy in my class just suggested we add Bagels to our grocery-list memory test. OF COURSE. #
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