[At first there's nothing but the sound of someone drumming their fingers on the table. He's still rather unsure about this, it does put him in a compromising position. But when he does speak his voice is lower, more serious and it's not Sam's usual Ivonan accent, but a Vohemaro one.]
I'm looking for one Loki, [He heard it as 'Loki' not 'Low Key
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[Dryly with just the right amount of annoyance to be believable.] Yes, that would be the case.
Now what I know. [A version of the truth is always more believable then an outright lie.]
I know he was arrested for murder a while back, but managed to escape from prison. You won't find any details of this anywhere because the family of the deceased were rather influential and kept it hushed up. It would have looked bad for them and they wanted to administer their own form of justice. I know that he acts like a simple conman when he is far greater then that. I know that he has certain abilities that he was supposed to have lost, but seems to have regained lately.
I also know he's given birth before. [What, it's completely relevant!]
Now, you mentioned something 'bout special abilities. Mind telling me a bit more about that?
[Jesting aside.]
He used to have quite formidable magical and shape shifting abilities. They had diminished as of late, but I've gotten information that seems to suggest that he's gained his shape shifting back at the very least, which should mean he's gained some of his magical ones as well. To go with the shape shifting he's very good at imitating voices. He wasn't one for direct confrontation before, but if what I hear is true, the playing field has changed.
On top of that there's your usual skills; intelligence, experience in subterfuge and so on that make him a very tough opponent.
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