[Not just private... *Malfoy* Private... The best *kind* of private]
What was He thinking... Such risk, such arrogance...
I do understand that He did accomplish quite a bit. Ancient wards are typically very dificult to penetrate - I'd expect those placed on Hogwarts to be no exception, quite the contrary. It would've taken an incredible amount of power to merely nudge them to the side --let alone, shatter them completely. Very strong magic indeed...
But in the end, was it enough? Sadly, no.
And why not? Where did our Lord go so very, very wrong? What flaw was inescapable enough to allow for the failure of the unthinkable --a suprise attack on Hogwarts. What would cause Him to fail just when he had Potter right where he wanted him?
My theory? It's simply not meant to be.
I will be the one to kill Potter after he's dispensed with the Dark Lord, and that is what is meant to be.
They'll all see... and I can't wait.
[/Not just private... *Malfoy* Private... The best *kind* of private]
I'm surprised to see that we've got so many little heroes in our midst while at Hogwarts. In fact, I can hardly wait to get back so I can thank you all personally.