Got robbed. IRONY =P

Apr 11, 2009 16:09

Right so what happened.
Me and Jack were in the front room on laptops at about half 2 this morning when there was a knock at the door. Jack answered and some lads asked if John was there, Jack said no then they tried to force themselves in. We both put our weight against it and managed to lock it, but they kicked the middle panel out.

They pushed us into the kitchen and shut us in. They kicked Goh's door in and put him in the kitchen with us, they told us to give them our phones/money/mp3s, which we did. Then our bank cards and pin codes, i gave him a false pin, then he went out and came back in shouting that they had a machine to check (bull. shit.) and they would slit my throat if i didnt tell them the right pin and how much, so i did.

Then we got down on the floor with our hands behind our heads at his request (there were five of them btw), and he accused Goh's pin on being wrong, kicking him in the head (nothing seriou, like) then when Jack tried to explain that it was his card he got a kick too (again, no blood or anything). Then back down on the floor some of them scarpered out the back, the rest out the front, with a lot of our stuff, when the police came.

They took a statement from each of us, helped us cancel our cards, got the door put back on aswell. Another police dude came later with some of the stuff that got recovered, and said they'd apprehended 5 suspects. The CSI came later to take fingerprints and evidence, and missed two huge shoeprints on jack's knocked over wardrobe door, which I spotted (hell yeah), and the landlords came and screwed the door to the frame and changed the locks.

Things that got stolen include the laptops (4 in total) Wii (but not the wires XD), PS3 (again, sans wires =P), my phone (the other 2 were found), my bag (with passport! eep) and my DS, WITH ALL MY POKEMON T^T Not pleased.

The important thing is that we're all unharmed, but shaken is all, and our neighbours are awesome for calling, at least 2 did, and Steve came round twice to check how we were. Jack's gone home, and Goh's gone with him because his family is in Asia (feel really sorry for him) and my parents are coming to pick me up soon. My dad said they found two laptops in the alley round the back of mine, dunno who's they are though yet. I'm using my old phone number (with no credit now) and if anyone needs to contact me it's 07935035323. So all in all we're fine now, just annoyed, so no need to worry, just wanted to let people know the story.

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