(no subject)

Sep 22, 2007 22:16

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
I laughed. A lot. Hehehe ^^.

Anyway back on internet now after a week without it due to spyware related injury, I miss it when its gone, but can't find anything to do now. I've read all the webcomics i've missed (didn't crave them so much really, 's a good thing) and read all the emails. Resorted to Wikipedia now, i hate that routine.

Also 4 days in Uni a week. What the hell!!! My cousins doing a law degree and he does less hours than me. I think i'm gonna create my own god, then make a prophecy about my god kicking the crap out of the current god and any challengers, and wait for life to get steadily better. If you can't beat 'em, create something that can, preferably as flashily as possible. New motto. Will update on its effectiveness in due course.

Lots has happened since my last update, but i can't be bothered typing it really. All good though, just to give you guys some credit. Well done ^^ Oh and you know it's going to be an interesting year in university when on your first day you hear a classmate say 'OMFG i love Warlocks me!'. I managed to stifle the coke coming out of my nose. That or a level 64 human mage now has it in for me.

Also whats your favorite speech of all time? Is anybody sad enough to have one? It was a discussion i had today, resulting in Martin being pushed off a chair for quoting LotR. I would post mine, but i've had enough of a depressing few days as it is and i'd rather not bring it up again. Still if you wish to enlighten me to your own preference i'd be glad to hear it.

Gentleman, those are my demands, peace out!
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