
Oct 08, 2008 09:30

I really don't wanna go into school today. I'm missing 1st and 2nd but really need to go in for Drama. I just really can't be bothered as I think I've got the head cold that's going around school. Bad times.
And I've got a shit load of art work in today that isn't finished yet. I know it's my own fault for not doing it but I really had no idea had to progress my project till I had a talk with my nice art teaher and now have a plan, but I'vegot the other teacher today.
Anyway felt I needed a rant so there it is, now I feel I'm talking just for the sake of it. Even thought I'm not talking and could be not typing thins right now! Huh I think my hands just took over my body.

homework, ill, school

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