Anonymous huh? IntriguingtsukikuroiMay 24 2006, 02:47:47 UTC
Greetings and Salutations Anonymous, Beginning... First off, Miss Anonymous poster, why not put your name down instead of hiding in an LJ hidden identity. Second, I KNOW the definition of bastard thank you very much Miss concealed persona, but when I get angry, I tend to not think rationally, and frequently illogically, because I am an emotional individual for the most part, and can be a, Pardon my French, Fucking hard-ass Bitch if call for. Third, when someone doesn't know the complete story, they shouldn’t complain with out getting both sides, because I sure don't. Forth, I DID attempt making conversation with Kailee and was unsuccessful, I heard her attempts at conversation and responded, but most of the time, when I do try to talk to her, she just gets pissed off at me and doesn't talk to me, key example, when we were trying on swimsuits and asked her opinion, she would give us one word answers and turn back to listening to MY MP3 player, I've known Kailee long enough to know that when she's quiet she's usually thinking, or contemplating something and get mad when we disrupt her, I'm so sorry that it's different now. Fifth, when did I call her a ditz? And PLEASE, don't call me a ditz, cause I swear, If I someone else insults me one more time because I'm a little forgetful, heads will roll, and then some. Who are you to call me a ditz, sitting there on your pedestal, grading me by what I say, and god forbid I know you, because your too immature to reveal your name, because I can guarantee that I my seem like I’m “ditz” but I’m a pretty FUCKING, pardon my incapability to use RICHER dialect but I’m getting a little frustrated to say the least, intellectual individual, and probably the furthermost thing from a ditz, and if you people would actually inconvenience yourselves to get to know me, the genuine me, like far and few have, you would comprehend the fact that I am fully and completely capable of everything and anything but a ditz. So you can go shove it up your ass before you start degrading me again, and if I DO discover who you are, Anonymous poster, I’ll have relatively quite a few things to speak to you about. And lastly, don’t speak poorly of Anna, especially in front of me, and that’s directed to each one of you, because she is an amazing young woman, she gives her honest outlook, and speaks up when something seems wrong to her, unlike most people, who just carp and complain to other people, and when they have a tiff with her, they whine to others, including HER friends, about her, in stead of addressing her directly, like cowards. Anna’s been there for me when no one else has, and out of all my friends, she’s become my closest, I may not have known her the longest, but we share countless bonds, and she is the solitary friend of mine I can see myself completely keeping in touch with out of high school. So leave my Wifey the FUCK ALONE. THANK YOU. And to conclude this on a semi-cheerful note.
First off, Miss Anonymous poster, why not put your name down instead of hiding in an LJ hidden identity. Second, I KNOW the definition of bastard thank you very much Miss concealed persona, but when I get angry, I tend to not think rationally, and frequently illogically, because I am an emotional individual for the most part, and can be a, Pardon my French, Fucking hard-ass Bitch if call for. Third, when someone doesn't know the complete story, they shouldn’t complain with out getting both sides, because I sure don't. Forth, I DID attempt making conversation with Kailee and was unsuccessful, I heard her attempts at conversation and responded, but most of the time, when I do try to talk to her, she just gets pissed off at me and doesn't talk to me, key example, when we were trying on swimsuits and asked her opinion, she would give us one word answers and turn back to listening to MY MP3 player, I've known Kailee long enough to know that when she's quiet she's usually thinking, or contemplating something and get mad when we disrupt her, I'm so sorry that it's different now. Fifth, when did I call her a ditz? And PLEASE, don't call me a ditz, cause I swear, If I someone else insults me one more time because I'm a little forgetful, heads will roll, and then some. Who are you to call me a ditz, sitting there on your pedestal, grading me by what I say, and god forbid I know you, because your too immature to reveal your name, because I can guarantee that I my seem like I’m “ditz” but I’m a pretty FUCKING, pardon my incapability to use RICHER dialect but I’m getting a little frustrated to say the least, intellectual individual, and probably the furthermost thing from a ditz, and if you people would actually inconvenience yourselves to get to know me, the genuine me, like far and few have, you would comprehend the fact that I am fully and completely capable of everything and anything but a ditz. So you can go shove it up your ass before you start degrading me again, and if I DO discover who you are, Anonymous poster, I’ll have relatively quite a few things to speak to you about. And lastly, don’t speak poorly of Anna, especially in front of me, and that’s directed to each one of you, because she is an amazing young woman, she gives her honest outlook, and speaks up when something seems wrong to her, unlike most people, who just carp and complain to other people, and when they have a tiff with her, they whine to others, including HER friends, about her, in stead of addressing her directly, like cowards. Anna’s been there for me when no one else has, and out of all my friends, she’s become my closest, I may not have known her the longest, but we share countless bonds, and she is the solitary friend of mine I can see myself completely keeping in touch with out of high school. So leave my Wifey the FUCK ALONE. THANK YOU. And to conclude this on a semi-cheerful note.
Have A Nice Life.
~Fiona E. Cullen
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