Oct 17, 2004 16:26
The rain gods were not nice to us last night. My undies got wet, hehe.
My beautiful girlfriend,I, brenda and sean went to knotts last night for the second round of my birthday-celebration. We had a lot of fun and i love the way Alanna looks when her hair gets all wet, very cute indeed! Me love Alanna! My throat is dry, perhaps i should stop smoking, then again perhaps i shouldn't.
My journalism professor thinks im pretty witty, i guess the topics i write about are a little different from the rest of the class, or perhaps im crazy. I took some I.Q. test off of sparksnotes.com and i scored a 65, when means im sandwiched in the middle of a down-syndrome-baby and a pack of chicklets.
Albums to consider on your next trip to the record shop.
The Panthers- Things Are Strange
Death From Above(1979)- You're a Women, Im a Machine
Q And Not U- Different Damage
Since By Man- We Sing The Body Electic
Thank you for your time...