So I finally wrote something new. It's been a long time. Here it is.
I want to be there when you get old and your eyes don't quite shine like they used to. Emerald green to olive drab, just like the uniforms of those old war soldiers who've seen too much horror in your lifetime- just like you. I want to be there when your hair turns white, just like the daisies you played in as a child and wore in your hair the first night we met. I couldn't take off my eyes off of you-- I never did. I want to be there when your lips start to crack just like in the sidewalk you always avoided. I thought it was childish then, but I love it now. Honestly, how could I not, now that every time I look down I think of you? Just like that cracked sidewalk, your memories carry on and on. I want to be there when your face gains its lines, just like the ones in those poems you wrote me when you were young. I tried to write you back, but I never had the talent for words like you did. I always made up for it, or tried to. I want to be there when your hearing gets worse and you can no longer hear my whispers of love. So, now, instead of secrets, I will have to shout it to the world. I always will. I want to be there when you can hardly stand, so I can be the pillar upon which you lean. Finally, be that upright man you always wanted me to be. No matter how hard you tried, though, you could never take the scoundrel out of me, could you? I want to be there when your heart starts to fail so I jump start your heart the way you did mine. You would listen to it race as you lied upon my chest in that field on those warm summer nights. It only beat for you. I want to be there when you gasp your last breath, just like you were the reason for mine. I could still feel that tingle of warm air on my neck like on those nights we made love to those old country love songs. It was like 'ol Hank was singing just about us. I want to be there when you return to the earth. I want to lie next to you like on those harsh winter nights and all you could do was tremble in my arms. I did all I could to keep you warm. I want to be there when you're at the pearly gates, just like you always said we would. I never thought I'd make it. You always believed in me, though, and making me an honest man. And when we are finally there, all I want to do is all of it over again. The old country songs and dancing all night long. The warm summer nights and the drawn out fights. I want it all over again.
Thank you for anyone who took the time to read it.
Love of mine, some day you will die. But I'll be close behind. I'll follow you into the dark