Feb 18, 2011 22:18
I have almost no hair again, and I feel better than I have all week. \o/ My mom's ordering a SAD lamp from Amazon tonight, which should hopefully help my mood and energy level, and if it doesn't, Abby announced last therapy session that she feels I'm severely depressed, and simply don't present as such, which is why I've been like this for so long. I have the physical signs of depression, but I've pushed the rest of it so far down that it's not even showing up. :|b She's not a meds person, but she thinks I need more medication, and was thinking of one in particular but couldn't remember the name of it. It's just as well, because I'd really rather try the SAD lamp and see if it helps before I get involved in new medications, coming off of current meds, etc.
hurr durr winter sucks
no moar health issues plz,
mental health