(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 13:25


Why the hell is it so fucking hot?!?

Ich hasse heiB.

That should be "I hate hot". In German. Word.

I guess I'm kindov' in a band now.

My friend Tyler and I wrote a song and half of another one. But we both just play guitar, although I play rythym on mine like a bassist would. That's just how I play my electric. Think the bassist from Whirlwind Heat, and you have some idea of the way I like to play my electric. I don't know why, it's just that I like it better that way.

Anyway, it's getting harder to tell the difference between some of my dreams and reality. Like, yesterday, I had a dream that I got really angry and quit my job. Then I woke up, and it took me like half an hour to sort out whether that really happened or not. The big clues would be the difference between the people that I worked with in my dream, and the fact that in reality I haven't talked to them in years.

It was all every weird.

Batman Begins = Tongue hanging out of mouth.

It was really good.

10% less explosions and stupid camera shots would have made it fucking immaculate, but hey, this is a good third film for Christopher Nolan.

For those of you who aren't stupid movie whores, like myself, he is the director of Memento.

Apparently my new haircut makes me look hot. I guess.

And yes, as Drew said on his Xanga, I will analyze the comic connections between comic based movies. Although I get a lot of my info not from having read the old comics, but actually from the old cartoon shows, and, more importantly, having had a large collection of comics trading cards.

I'll do a better update later, when it's not too hot to think.
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