Jul 21, 2007 11:32
I have a sad sad story.
I got Harry Potter last night and read it all the way through in five hours, mostly because I was planning on spending a good part of today at work and I don't like hearing spoilers from people. So I went to bed around 6 AM and woke up around 10:30 so I could get ready for work at noon.
So of course I get a call from my boss saying that he doesn't have enough corn and they're closing early and I don't need to come in. Argh. I could have spent today reading Harry Potter and actually slept last night.
On the other hand, I stayed up for 24 hours. haha.
I liked the book a lot, of course there were some deaths that upset me and some details that irritated me, but on the whole I thought it was really good. Except for the epilogue which failed to answer any of the questions I had. I hated it. Grrrrr.