I’ve recently come across a video on slaughter houses. I frankly don’t care if you are sensitive to disturbing images, if you have never seen the likes of this I strongly urge you to watch the entire thing. Its called: If Slaughter Houses Had Glass Walls. Ive posted the link below.
This is an example of the most Disgusting, Appalling human behavior. Its truly horrifying and saddening.
Just because this man is a celebrity doesn’t mean he is blowing smoke out his ass. I have done research into the subject and these places do exist, quite close to home. Perhaps this sort of thing doesn’t happen in Canada or where you live, but perhaps it does, I know it sure as hell happens in the united states. It doesn’t matter where it happens, the infuriating fact is that it is happening, right now! I don’t care if most slaughter houses use lethal injection and only a few are cruel, a few is a few too many!
Im not agreeing that everyone should become a vegetarian, that’s impossible, meat will always be a part of the diet of the majority of humans. I am saying that this needs to be exposed, more people need to be aware of this because they simply don’t believe its truth. This isn’t computer animation from a movie, these animals weren’t killed for the purpose of this video!
Humans demand for meat is outrageous! It seems unlikely that it will ever stop. So what can be done about it? People can start by creating awareness, show this video to as many people as possible. Be concerned and check in on exactly where you food comes from, don’t support places like this. What can people with authority do about it? put more money into better equipment, kill the animals as quickly and painlessly as possible, give them better living conditions, don’t hire people who are so screwed up that they can cause a living creature that much pain and suffering!
I am disgusted and in tears over this, its not only the animals who suffer, I suffer when I see this, I feel sick inside. Humans need to show some respect for their fellow creatures. If you can watch this video and honestly say you don’t care where your meat comes from because it tastes good, then you deserve the same fate.
It’s a harsh reality, Face it!