[ application ]

Aug 03, 2010 16:20

[ application ]

Mun Info:

Name: Litzi
Age: 16 [17 on Sep 2]
Are you a pre-existing member: No
Have you ever rp'd in a comm before: Yes [ms_elegante, among others]
Just out of curiosity, how did you hear of us: app_this_plz [though i was supposed to app Star Sailor Mnemosyne, derp]
Screen Name we can contact you at: [aim] uber technology; [msn] glitz-x@hotmail.com; [y!m] backyard.carnival@yahoo.com
Email: heart.shaped.locket@gmail.com

Character Info:

Fandom: Yume Nikki [cult video game; Wikipedia entry here, fandom wiki is here]
Name: Madotsuki
Age: Unknown; I'll be playing her as 15
User Icon: http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/103106371/29555268

Physical Description of Character: Madotsuki is a 5' young Japanese woman with long brown hair (tied back in two braids). Her eyes are usually half-lidded, as she's more often than not tired. She wears the same clothes ever day and rarely changes them. Her outfit includes a pink long-sleeved shirt with a checkerboard pattern on the front, a red skirt and red shoes. Going with Japanese genetics, her eyes are most likely brown. Here's a picture!

Point in Canon: Post game

Personality: Nota bene: Madotsuki's personality is very complex and depends on the various theories concerning her life and character. I advise you to read the history section before the personality.

Madotsuki is, in a word, dull (though what she finds dull might be interesting to others, such as "I can pull a life-size bicycle from nowhere"). Madotsuki maintains a quiet, reserved manner as to not draw attention to herself. Inside, Madotsuki is a hypercritical person, filled with self-loathing and endless loneliness. She fears that if she opens up to someone, they won't like her and will reject her offer of friendship. Therefore, she doesn't bother. Masada, her piano tutor, reached out to her and was easy to bond with, as he was also a recluse and had serious problems of his own. Madotsuki feels that others don't understand her and they never will. The Toriningen in her dreams are representative of bullies at school. Madotsuki is afraid to stab them, as they all go crazy and send her to inescapable areas. In life, Madotsuki is afraid to go against the masses because she believes that if she pisses off one of them, all of them will turn against her. So she stays quiet, a bystander.

At one point in the game, Madotsuki stumbles upon a group of three Toriningen having a dance party/picnic. However, the area is inaccessible by the player, and thus Madotsuki can only watch - yet another harsh reminder of her life as an outcast. Since the Toriningen don't know she's there (as they don't pay attention to her unless she stabs one), Madotsuki amuses herself by equipping the stoplight and switching it to red. No more dancing for you!

The other monsters, however, are a different story. Because Madotsuki knows they won't hurt her whatsoever, she stabs them freely. Stabbing them relieves her pent-up frustration, both at herself and society as a whole for neglecting her. She wishes desperately that someone will reach out. Madotsuki was so happy with Masada and began to come out of her shell, even going so far as to make friends with another lonely girl at school, Mafurako. Due to her fear of opening up, Madotsuki instead blames society for not reaching out to her.

Here's the fun part: Madotsuki doesn't consciously realize she feels this way. It's how she's always felt, and she finds it natural. Her emotional core is buried beneath a thick layer of apathy. She accepts that she's a lost cause and just goes with the flow. Madotsuki is a dull, dry young woman that sleeps more in a lifetime than a sloth does in 100 years. By the end of the game, Madotsuki's mental state is not fixed. Madotsuki believes that the life she lives in her coma is real life, yet she still chooses to commit suicide.

History of the Character: Nota bene: This is a theory. Madotsuki's true life is unknown, but canon evidence points to make possibilities.

Madotsuki was born and raised in Japan. She was neglected as a child1 and grew up in a broken household with emotionally abusive parents that spent the majority of their time arguing. Madotsuki turned to sleep [and subsequently her dream world] as an escape. As she was quiet and tired all the time, Madotsuki didn't have many friends in school. She became the "weird kid" that other students ostracized and picked on2.

When she was 10 years old, Madotsuki got a piano tutor, Masada, a druggie guy with a lazy eye that always dressed in black. Madotsuki and Masada were very close. Madotsuki sometimes spent the night at Masada's [platonically!] so she didn't have to go home. One day, Madotsuki woke up in Masada's apartment to find him dead due to overdose3. She was forced to go home.

Madotsuki was riding her bike to school, tired and daydreaming, when she ran a red light4 and was hit by a car, which subsequently slammed on the brakes. Three were left dead [two young girls Madotsuki knew from school and their father5] and Madotsuki went into shock, then a coma. The game takes place when Madotsuki is in the coma. In her coma, she survives the crash with just a few scrapes, and feels such intense survivor's guilt, she retreats into her room and absolutely refuses to leave.

Madotsuki's "dreams" become more and more elaborate, to the point where she can choose which dream [of 12, plus deeper areas] she enters and when she leaves/wakes up. Madotsuki seeks out the various effects6 her mind creates to amuse herself. Once she collects them all, Madotsuki jumps off her balcony to commit suicide7, though this is just her mind's way of waking her in the real world.

In the game, Madotsuki is compelled to find the effects, though she doesn't know why. She only knows that there are 24 objects she needs to collect before "something will happen" that remains a mystery throughout her entire journey. Upon collecting them, there is no miracle, no life-altering event, and Madotsuki "kills" herself.

At the time she's written into Salkia, Madotsuki has just committed suicide, but has all of the effects.

You may be thinking, wait a minute! This section doesn't mention Madotsuki's exploits in the dream world! You see, the dream world does not count as a part of her history, but rather her personality. The dream world is constructed in Madotsuki's mind, and most of it is representative of her thoughts and feelings. See the personality section for more on the matter.

Additionally, please see the footnotes for theory supports. Again, I can't stress enough that this is a theory (one of many), and as such, is not canon.

1Kamakurako, a girl asleep in an igloo, represents Madotsuki as a child, in that she's asleep in a fucking igloo and nobody seems to care.
2Poniko [a girl living in a house much like Madotsuki's in the dream world], as well as everyone else in the game, ignores and never speaks to Madotsuki [the cat effect doesn't count]. The Uboa event and the Toriningen [bird people] symbolize bullies. When Madotsuki stabs a Toriningen with her knife, all of them in the area will go "insane" and chase her. Upon capture, Madotsuki is sent to an area from which she cannot escape [unless she uses Medemaude or wakes up]. In inescapable areas are representative of hopelessness. Poniko is one of two characters that backs away when Madotsuki brandishes her knife [some monsters just run, but Poniko faces Madotsuki]. In the Block World, there's a hat and scarf on an invisible girl, Mafurako, who becomes visible when Madotsuki uses the stoplight. Mafurako is one of her friends, equally lonely.
3Masada is found in the "Mars" event, in which Madotsuki boards a space ship, falls asleep in Masada's bed, and crashes in the Mars area. Masada is found in a room with a large piano, table and two chairs, suggesting he welcomes Madotsuki. The ship crashing is his death. Masada is the other character that backs away from Madotsuki when she has the knife equipped.
4The bicycle effect, the stoplight effect.
5One of the effects, the stoplight, is found on a corpse lying in a street. The two girls, Monoe and Monoko, share the same color scheme. Monoko becomes the 5-armed girl when the stoplight effect is used [and is red], whose appearance suggests her mangled body. Speaking to Monoe makes her smile and disappear.
6The effects represent Madotsuki getting her shit together, readying herself to wake from her coma.
7There's foreshadowing alluding to this in the game. In the Mall, Madotsuki can equip the witch and fly off the room. If the player turns off the effect, Madotsuki will fall and wake up face-down on her floor in "real life". There are also various blood spots scattered throughout the dream world.

Magical Powers/Skills: Okay first, before the wall of text: on the non-supernatural side of things, Madotsuki can play the piano, is good at video games, and can (somehow) sleep more than a cat.

Madotsuki, from her dreams, has collected 24 "effects", objects that give her skills and powers. Only one is a weapon. The effects include a frog, which enables Madotsuki to walk seamlessly through water [no resistance]; an umbrella, which makes it rain [even if it is swapped out for another effect]; a hat and scarf, which does nothing [though when it is snowing, Madotsuki turns into a snowman]; the Yuki-onna, which makes it snow [even if it is swapped out for another effect]; the Medamaude, which teleports her back to the Nexus [in the rp, back to her apartment?]; fat, which makes her overweight; the midget, which makes her small; the flute, which she can play; neon, which changes Madotsuki's color [as well as her surroundings]; the Nopperabou, which makes Madotsuki lose her face [she can also temporarily pull her head from her body and spin it 360 degrees - weird shit, I know]; the severed head, which makes Madotsuki a severed head [but still able to hop around… somehow]; the towel, which wraps Madotsuki in a towel; the cat, which gives Madotsuki cat paws and ears [when she meows, "enemies" (none of which actually hurt her) are attracted to her]; the lamp, which makes Madotsuki's head a lamp [that works!]; the bicycle, which is… a bicycle; long hair, which gives Madotsuki long hair; blonde hair, which turns Madotsuki's hair blonde; poop hair, which makes Madotsuki's hair resemble poop [flies follow her and drop, so she knows where she's been (like bread crumbs)]; the triangle kerchief, which makes Madotsuki invisible [she wears it as a tiara, representing death]; the witch, which enables Madotsuki to hover/fly on a broomstick; the demon, which turns Madotsuki's skin red and gives her horns [when it rains, Madotsuki can make thunder and lightning as the demon]; the buyo buyo, which makes Madotsuki gelatinous [wiggly!]; and finally, the stoplight, which turns Madotsuki into a stoplight with just red and green lights [enemies stop when the red light is on]. MY GOD THAT'S A BRICK WALL OF TEXT. APOLOGIES.

Weapons: One of the effects Madotsuki finds is a knife, which speaks for itself. This is the only real weapon.

Writing samples:

Personal LJ Sample: Nota bene: First of all, AHH I WANTED MY APP IN ON WEDNESDAY BUT YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION YET SO I WENT WITH MY GUT FEELING. Secondly, Madotsuki keeps a "dream diary", in which she - shocker! - writes about her dreams. I plan for Madotsuki to adapt to using the Network as a diary, as she has no problems with others reading it [unless she talks shit about someone - in that case she will lock that section]. Additionally, my husbando is debating apping Hanna Falk Cross of "Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name" fame [don't hold me to this], so I hope it's okay that I used him in my sample. If not, I will gladly write another.

Day 1

I think I dreamed jumping from the balcony. I'm in a world with lots of trees, similar to the Forest World. There's a city. There's monsters like always. I can still stab them. They leave money, but it's not yen. There are many doors to different areas. They're small areas, like the rooms in the Mall. There are also people - people that speak. Nothing ever talks in my dreams except the number people. This is strange. I haven't stabbed any yet, but I plan to try later.

I find that I can speak and understand English. I assume this is to make things easier than me, though it's odd that my subconscious can teach me another language. Perhaps it's just dream logic.

I tried to warp back to the Nexus, but I just appeared in an apartment. My name is on the door. So is "Hanna Cross". I haven't seen her yet. When I used the cat outside in the street, people were still attracted to me, but they actually noticed and tried to run away. I let them go.

I don't like this. I don't want to be social in my dreams. I believe my brain is trying to tell me something, but I can't be sure.

I also can't wake up. That's unnerving.

Day 2

I fell asleep yesterday night, but I didn't dream. I woke up after 8 hours. I met "Hanna Cross". He's actually a boy. He's the first person I held a conversation with in English. He said he was a "paranormal investigator", but he didn’t look like one. He has an annoying voice, but he's… endearing? I don't know any word better than that.

People ran from me when they saw my knife. I put it away.

I tried to fly away, but I ran into a barrier. I tried to bike away, but I'm on an island. I tried using the frog to swim away, but I can't go very far before I hit another barrier. I can't escape.

I still can't wake up. This place is worse than real life. I want to be alone in my apartment more than I want to be here.

Day 3

I slept all day, but I still didn't dream. I still can't wake up. Hanna is noisy and woke me up a few times. He apologized in Japanese, which was nice.

Third-Person Sample: Mist. Everywhere, mist, clouding the air all around Madotsuki's balcony. It stops at the railing, forbidden by the powers that be. Forbidden by Madotsuki's own mind. Madotsuki sits on a platform besides the edge of the balcony, looking down into the nothingness. She hugs her knees to her chest as she does, chin rested on them. Cold air wraps her tightly in a blanket of ice.

Nothing happened. Upon collecting all the effects and excitedly warping back to the Nexus as quickly as she could, nothing happened. Nothing happened to change her life or her situation. All she had was a consistent dream world, 24 random objects, and the most depressing mini-game to ever exist. Just the usual. The same life she's had for the past - how long? She's long since lost track of time.

The platform was waiting for her when she slowly slid open the glass doors to the balcony. The very sight of it was seductive, begging to be used. Back in the Nexus, Madotsuki, in her frustration, toyed with the idea of suicide. It would certainly end this life, this endless pattern doomed to repeat for what could be eternity. The platform's sudden existence is the pro that outweighed all the cons.

Jump, it says to her. Jump. Jump. Jump.

Madotsuki jumps.


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