Dec 19, 2008 14:54
A few people on my f-list have been doing Friday posts where they can only post positive things, no matter how hard it is. I think I need to hop on this bandwagon.
+ Sunday was the Home Depot Christmas party and I had so much fun I didn't make it home. My daily commute is horrible and nobody spending money with the current economy makes my days go by sloooowly, but I work with awesome people I can already count among my friends, and that certainly counts for something.
+ Oh, and they like to buy round after round of drinks. And dance like the entire store isn't watching.
+ Speaking of the economic downturn, I have a full time job with benefits that isn't going anywhere right now.
+ Kyle found a job that he likes, pays decent, and is full time.
+ I have a little car that gets great gas mileage and does AWESOME in bad driving conditions.
+ My internet Secret Santa (aka generic winter holiday gift exchange) gave me a badass, GIANT crock pot that I have already used twice, and she really appreciated the biscotti I baked her (but even better present says it should arrive no later than X-mas eve!)
+ Next week is a holiday, so I only have to work 32 hours. Hooray Holiday pay!
+ The week after that is also a holiday, but with a 40 hour work week. Hooray extra day of pay in my paycheck!
positive fridays